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Allan J Withers
208 articles

Hughes OH 6A Cayuse, 01602, Spanish Navy.

February 10, 2017 · in Aviation · · 17 · 1.6K

1/72 , almost OOB, I added some wire to the undercarriage and tail rotor for strength, finished in MM enamels with Future and MM 30000 acrylic over kit decals.

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2  Awesome

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17 responses

  1. Allan, that must be miniscule in 72nd, great work indeed.
    I always wanted a ride in one while I was overseas, but only Hueys, trundling to and fro on errands. Our maintenance man had a couple of rides. He didn't say much about it.
    Fast little things! Zipping along, distinctive engine sound, too.

  2. You certainly have a way with those rotary winged examples, Allan...another beauty.

  3. Nice did a nice job on it.
    I used to see those little birds flying in downtown Baghdad, flown by Blackwater. They had shooters sitting in the back seat with their feet on the skids. Those Blackwater contractor pilots would really make those OH-6's dance. They had a hangar in LZ Washington, located in the "Green Zone".

  4. Another fine rotary, a nice choice in livery too.

  5. Good looking bird. I like the Spanish emblem - nice color combo - I've been wanting to build something in a Spanish scheme...

  6. Good looking little copter, I really like the scheme. Nice work Allen !

  7. You've captured the look of this machine very well, must have been quite fiddly to build in 1/72.

  8. Thanks to Bernard and Marvin for their story's as well.

  9. I now recall that folks used to call it the "Mattel Messerschmidt". Some of 'em (thinking the air scouts) had the doors removed and originally had an M-60 hand held(!) or maybe slung on a bungee cord in the back seat, usually pointing out the left side. Later, they scabbed on a gatling gun. Then the back seat was taken up with a BIG ammo box. Really talk to a crowd! Down in the weeds! Guts!

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