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Paul van Acker
118 articles

Wasn't going to post it, but.....

February 9, 2017 · in Aviation · · 20 · 1.9K

This is the Westland . I hated it. Nothing fitted well, the wings to canopy fit was very hard and decals unusable. I used spares. Even photographing it was a nightmare. A random gust of wind blew it over. I lost a propellor blade which fell under the deck and into a mound a dog pooh, and we don't even own a dog.

But it's done, abandoned, and thought I'd share it anyway. Never again will I do one though. πŸ™‚

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2  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. You should have put it out with the dog poop. Eduard's worst kit ever. But you managed to make it look like a bleedin'; model!

    • Thank you. Lol. Yeah, I'm not about to tackle any Gavia/Eduard types for a while. Did a 110E last year and wasn't keen on it either. But nothing was as bad as this . Glad it's done, cause I love the aeroplane. πŸ™‚

  2. Turned well enough..."never again will I do one" reminds me of a couple of similar examples from MY past - a 1/48th Hobby-Craft (I think) Bird Dog and a 32nd scale Storch. The Storch lasted a little while before I re-cycled it and the other one never made it off the bench. And I think I see some dog poop on a couple of places. πŸ™‚

  3. The Lysander was one of my favourite aircraft when I was a kid, the BBC had a WWII series on TV (I can't remember the name) which featured one usually taking off and landing on a short grass air strip in France. Maybe this model wasn't much fun to build but you managed to finish and photograph it, good job.

  4. Love your perseverance Scott, and the Lysander looks pretty good to me.

  5. Did you consider an exorcism? I just thought I could make money doing that. When your project turns on you, and you hear eerie music and guttural mumblings, call me. If nothing else, it'll be entertaining. Then we can either shoot it with a BB gun, set fire to it and drop it out the window, or heel stomp it.(Thanks, Drill Sgt.more PT)

  6. Paul, thanks for posting this. I was eyeing it, but no thanks. Saved me some $$ and some of my remaining nerves.

  7. I've always liked this aircraft too. Your build looks great to me, Did the old Testors/Hawk kit years ago, Probably less detailed but don't recall any major problems.

  8. Well - a build is a build in my book! Those difficult kits help enhance our skills, so I sometimes welcome them, even if I don't want to show them to anyone. I haven't had one yet not end up in my display case though - guess it just reminds me of what I endured to achieve whatever result I ended up with! I looks good enough to display and post, so well done!

  9. You did well and the warning about the kit has been duly noted

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