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Carl Christensen
49 articles

WW1 Model-T Ford Ambulance, Western Front 1918

February 10, 2017 · in Automotive · · 16 · 3.4K

ICM scale with Master box figures. Nice simple little kit that was fun to build. Well except for the decals! Not sure if I just got a bad bunch but they were a nightmare to apply. As soon as they came out of the water they kept folding over into themselves and it was a real mission to sort it. Weathering hides the problems with a couple that had to be touched up with hand painting.

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16 responses

  1. Nice little vignette, Carl...and I see nothing 'wrong' with the decals. Good work.

  2. Excellent! The mud looks great!

    • Thanks. Was pretty easy. Just painted plaster dark brown then applied woodlands realistic water over the top with small drop of dark earth colour mixed in. Dries with that nice wet mud look.

  3. Very Nice ! You hit a home run with this one...

    The mud looks very realistic. I'll bet it's a little chilly there... That's the feeling you get when you look at this one.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. ICM decals are usually a little thin. "Paint" them with liquid decal film before using and it won't happen. You should also do that with Special Hobby/MPM decals.

    The diorama looks good.

  5. Nice to see something a little different. I like the ICM range of support vehicles - ideal for this sort of presentation. Thanks for posting.

  6. Aaahh, decals, or what I like to call "the last chance to screw it up" !. Looks like you got through it well. This looks really great. Well done, Carl. I like it a lot !

  7. Very nice Carl, excellent presentation with the mud.

  8. Carl, great representation of conditions on the Western Front. It all comes together, ambulance, figures, base, mud. Tells the story, well done.

  9. Great build, nice job on the mud.

  10. I'm not sure why, but ambulances and fire engines seem to make attractive models, and this one is no exception, helped, of course, by your excellent workmanship.

  11. Master Modeler, is all I can think of.
    Regards, Dirk/The Netherlands.

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