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Rob Pollock
195 articles

HMS VictoryEnd of Construction Phase

May 5, 2017 · in Ships · · 22 · 2.4K

Following another 100 hours of work - overall project time now at 850 hours - I've reached the end of the construction phase.

As can be seen, it's now at its full dimensions, at just over a metre in length and 80 cm in height, with the greatest width at the lower yard of the main mast (about 40 cm). A model of this size is naturally difficult to photograph, but I've tried here to give a flavour of the ship's 'presence.'

The only rigging completed is on the yards, which has to be done as they're built and prior to placement on the masts, for practicality, and along the jib/sprit areas via the martingale, for the same reasons.

I hope to begin the main rigging soon.

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10  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Tremendous, Rob! You're a brave man for tackling that size of a job! The work so far is outstanding.

  2. Beautiful ship, my friend...but where ya gonna PUT it? 🙂

  3. Fantastic work there Rob.
    I have the real thing about a mile from where I live.
    But it`s now on screen.

    • I was at the Portsmouth Museum in February 2016, which was the inspiration for this project. I think I must have taken 100 photos of the Victory that day.

      I'm also using, for additional references, John McKay's "100- Gun Ship Victory" from the Anatomy of the Ship series, and Alan McGowan's "HMS Victory: Her Construction, Career and Restoration."

  4. Looking fantastic. May I suggest you use bee´s wax or a candle to take all fuss off the lines (seal the fuss, really). They get a bit more stiff but it may not be a disadvantage as you can make the lines into nice bows.

    • Actually I'm going to use a different rigging line than came with the model. The line here is more like a yarn which isn't suitable, I think, so all will be different.

      • PS I've found the 'wax method' very good for creating rope cheeses - easier to manipulate - but as it happens these are't in use for the Victory, based on what I've seen on the actual ship in Portsmouth.

  5. Simply amazing Rob. This will belong in a museum once you get it's that good. I like the wooden block and tackles. Just like the real thing ! Looks great my friend...

  6. Completely outstanding. What I really awes me is the commitment and discipline that goes into a build like this. You've definitely captured her 'presence' in the photos - a huge amount of respect from here.

  7. Keep it up Rob, keep it up.

  8. Rob, THAT is some fantastic work you've done! I am very much anticipating the final reveal. Hopefully you have a nice bottle of champagne to appropriately christen her with!

  9. Awesome work and persistence! A real show stopper.

  10. Beautiful! 'Britannia Rules the waves!' should be playing.

  11. Only the rigging to go? Do you have a plan of where you're going to finally display this masterpiece?

  12. Gorgeous !, I look forward to the completed project. Keep up the good work !

  13. Outstanding work Rob, a real masterpiece for sure.

  14. Hello Robert,
    Pure craftsmanship. You will need the original "sail-plan". I can assure you, this will be like a 5000 piece puzzle.
    Keep us updated on this great project.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  15. Don't know where you find the time mate! That is destined for a museum!

  16. I can only repeat what everyone else has said but should add awe-inspiring to the comments.
    The rigging might well be the defining moment for your masterpiece: I wouldn't be game enought to tackle it, but you have my admiration for your progress thus far. In a word: WOW!

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