Meanwhile back in the north, 1/72 Hasegawa P-40E 18th F.S.,11th A.F. Adak
Actually according to what I read, the 18th F.S. didn't arrive in the Aleutians with their P-40's until the late 1942. So technically it's not part of the group? Anyway this is the old Hasegawa kit build right out of the box, including decals. I did have a problem though, halfway through the build I remembered that I had used the canopy assy. on a MPMs P-40F [replacing it's vacumformed canopy] I ended up buying Academy's 1/72 P-40N/M. using the M canopy option. The fit was close enough for me, and besides I now have a P-40N in my stash.
Bob, I like it, and you don't see too many Aleutians P-40s. Other than the Tigers, and the occaisonal Canadian one. Those white markings on the tail have always made me wonder, and I've never seen an explaination of them. Me. I like P-40s!
Interesting scheme, Robert...thanks for posting it.
Your P-40 turned out very nice. I saw your parts request for a canopy in the trade section, and was wondering if you ever located one. I'm happy to hear that you did, even if it meant buying another P-40.
You just can't have too many you know...

I really like the looks of your plane Bob. Thanks for sharing it with us !
A nice addition - can't have too many P-40's!
Another nice P40 Robert, well done.
Well done Bob, and great "save" on the canopy issue.