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John Healy
162 articles

1/48 Morane-Saulnier “N”

October 31, 2017 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.3K

This is the kit built straight from the box. Stainless steel wire rigging, lead sheet seat belt, painted with Humbrol enamels. You could call the “N” the world's first fighter plane. Enjoyable project if you can find a kit. I don't think they've re-popped this one since it's first release.

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8  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. You well portray the unbelievable fact that men got into such contraptions and left terra firma to try and kill each other in them. When the weapon looks as dangerous to the user as to the target, you know guts are involved.

    • And this was the type plane that Garros put the steel plates on the prop, and fired a machine gun thru the prop. No interrupter. Random chance you'd shoot off your prop, which finally happened. The Germans looked it over- it landed behind their lines- and (being Germans) came up with a better solution. Oh, and no parachutes.

      I've liked this one since the 72nd Revell. Their initial box had the Russian Kazakov's plane, the one he dragged an anchor from, to ensnare German planes. Or, as Little Richard used to remark, Gonna rip it up! Aaaauugh!

    • I wouldn’t have gotten into it with those deflector blades?

  2. Good lookin' little build, sir... 🙂

  3. Nice to see how well you overpowered that kit and forced it to cry "uncle!"

    • Thanks Tom. This one is the second tooling they did about 10 years ago. It’s actually a pretty crisp kit. That’s why I’m surprised they haven’t re-issued it. I built the original back in the 90’s with the origami PE. It didn’t turn out as good as this one!

  4. Looks great John !

  5. John, for some reason I'm really attractive to this little string-bag, this is really neat ! You did a very nice build with it. With that said, I can't imagine flying in this, let alone in combat, but for its time it was probably pretty hot stuff !

    • I’ve always liked this plane. I probably built 3-4 of the old Revell 1/72 versions, and did the original Eduard kit in ‘93-‘94. I’d fly it, but wouldn’t want to fire that MG with the deflector plates on the prop!

  6. Very clean and straightforward build John.
    I like it a lot, no doubt completing such a small plane with all that rigging in 1/48 scale would be no walk in the park to me. I have a few old time Eduard WW1 stuff stashed away and never got the guts to start one, chicken out

  7. Beautifully done, John. This is a really iconic airplane and you have done it justice. Outstanding!

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