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Boris Rakic
72 articles

The iModeler Store has Landed!

October 1, 2017 · in News · · 23 · 1.5K

Dear all,
Some time ago we announced that iModeler would become a startup company, and your incredibly positive reactions included calls for T-Shirts and other garment. Well, a couple of weeks have passed since, weeks we have spent drawing designs and testing different ways of making them available to you.

Today we are happy to announce the opening of the Official . For now, the shop offers various T-Shirts, hoodies, and mugs - and we are already thinking about extending this range in the future.

How does it work?

First, you can find the store by clicking the "Store" tab in the navigation, or click here:

The iModeler Shop is provided by Spreadshirt, an online platform for T-Shirts and various other articles. Spreadshirt provides different shops for different regions, so you do not have to pay for shipping from the other side of the planet.

Currently you have the choice between a US shop and a EU shop for the rest of the World, so make sure you pick the right one depending on your location. As these shops are run independently from each other, there are slight differences in product details – but we are confident you will find something for you regardless of the shop you choose πŸ™‚

We hope you like this new feature, and if you have any questions please let us know!

The iModeler Team

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Just ordered my stuff...but you forgot my HAT! Thanks, guys. πŸ™‚

  2. And I ordered my stuff. What happened to the beer glass?!?!?!?!

  3. I'll be ordering a mug at some point! I have a collection of novelty mugs you see. Here's an idea... what about imodeler decals in 1/24 for a race car? Maybe the nice people at Studio 27 could sort that out.

  4. Awesome. Reasonably priced and the shipping is first rate. It usually costs me an arm and a leg to get something from the U.S.. Reloading PayPal as we speak

    • Very happy to hear this, our community is truly worldwide so resolving the capability to deliver these tees to any country has been a challenge πŸ™‚

  5. Time to show the passion ! πŸ™‚

  6. Looks awesome! A few years back, while riding Spanish mustangs with a friend, I lost my favorite ball cap in the Oklahoma "outback." I just haven't found a replacement for it yet, and would love a nice grey iModeler hat!

  7. Who's going to wear his iModeler tee in Telford?

  8. Could you make the T-shirts in some color other than black, please?
    I don't wear black if I can avoid it and not military green either.
    Red, blue, yellow, purple...
    Some color that will make people notice you at a modeling event.

  9. about "fast" - I just got my iModeler merchandise I ordered a few days ago! Awesome delivery service!

  10. This is AWESOME! Where did i put my credit card then... πŸ˜€

    If I may... some nice stickers would also be nice... and let's say keyrings... But I don't doub't they will be available sooner or later.

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