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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

1/72 Academy F2H-3 Banshee

November 21, 2017 · in Aviation · · 12 · 4.3K

Completed my -3 . This is the most recent boxing. I built it mostly OOB just adding some wingtip navigation lights and some wire and plastic card to help make the ejection seat look more like a ...ejection seat. The kit has some inaccuracies but still looks like a "Banjo" to me. Painted with MRP, Gunze and AK metallics.

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12 responses

  1. Very nice! It looks like it built into a respectable model. I've got the 1/72 Hobbycraft version in the stash waiting on my, but my guess it's not half the kit this one is, if my experience with Hobbycraft is any indication! I love the look of these early jets - almost playful.

  2. Looks great Geoffrey ! I built the old Hobbycraft Kit in Canadian livery a while back. It wasn't bad, but seeing this I may knuckle under and have another go.

  3. Been wondering what one of these looked like built up.That's quite nice.

  4. Great looking Banjo. !

  5. I always thought the Banjo had a certain look. Shame the current 48th is snakebit, but maybe someday. Nice clean build of a nice clean fighter. Makes the Panther look portly.

  6. Nicely done, Geoff...I love it!

  7. Geoff, This is really nice, I like it a lot !

  8. Very well made. Looks great in those colours.

  9. Looks good Geoffrey.

  10. So that's what they look like with the wings unfolded, very smartly turned out, Geoffrey.

  11. These Banshee's look very sleek. I just love the early jets... Yours turned out great !

  12. A wonderful-looking build Geoffrey.

    Nice to see one of these built up... which is a rather rare occurrence actually. Fundamentally, its a good kit.

    The F2H is the plane that really put McDonnell firmly on the map as a builder of fighters for the military. Performance-wise, McDonnell kind of hit a home run, first time at bat. i think it's the reliable, drama-free nature of the F2H and the Westinghouse engines that built up the expectations for the forthcoming F3H Demon. The "Banjo" was never a flashy performer, but super dependable.

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