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Hongseob CHOI
22 articles

F/A-18A “Blue Angels”, 1/72 Academy

November 26, 2017 · in Aviation · · 9 · 5.3K

These shiny acrobatic team aircraft suddenly took my attention after I finished Red Arrows Hawk. and This is my recent build, US Navy's Hornet.

I brushed all with Tamiya's acrylic blue. just because I wanted to try brushpaint before my first airbrush set arrives. First I brushed with Blue but color was too dark. and I brushed over with Clear Blue paint. this left a bit of stain but it gave more deeper and bright color. this color gives me feeling like watching deep sea and I really liked it.
I think this is something more than spraying "blue angels blue" paint all over.

and urethane spray for industrial use is still used for this. working superb still.

hornet is another fine kit of 's. and this blue angels have cartograf's decal. In the photo, every yellow parts are decal. even in wingtip, I put the decal first and painted the rest with acrylic yellow. what a quality!

My next acrobatic aircraft build may be Korean "Black Eagles". they have really nice black and yellow color scheme.

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6  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. That's brush painted..?! I'm impressed..! That turned out very nicely. WOW! 🙂

  2. Excellent results! Looks great.

  3. Impressed ! Not everyone would paint the airbrush so much, the more the words of appreciation

  4. Very neat work, I like your "dark" photography technique very much.

  5. As a brush painter myself, I'm very impressed, especially since it's gloss finished! I like the blue tone you ended up with also. Very well done!

  6. Cant believe its brush painted, excellent work.

  7. Good looking Angel Hongseob, well done.

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