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Matija Lisec
25 articles

King Tiger 1/35 Ammo

November 4, 2017 · in Armor · · 9 · 4.9K


Fresh from the works, a slightly What if version of the cat, with a longer barreled gun,slight mods to the engine deck and a IR device, reboxing of a kit by with their details. Kept it simple, removed some gear, cables, cut the side schurzen,added PE bucket and camo wires on the turret. painted with a mix of Gunze paints, many layers of weathering. A very nice model, highly recommended.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Nice work on the "beast", sir...I like it!

  2. The "Cat" looks menacing with the long barrel 88 ! Great work with it. You captured the look rather well. Two thumbs up Sir !

  3. Bravo! Great looking tank.

  4. Nice Tiger, really!
    I'm working on 1/72...

  5. Matija, is that the extended Russian front version of the L71 barrel, or a 'what if'...looks very, very mean. I like it.

  6. Spot on! You've absolutely nailed that one!

  7. Cheers all for the comments!

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