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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Seats please....

November 13, 2017 · in Uncategorized · · 5 · 1.5K

Continuing with my , it became apparent that the seats were not going to cut it. They are actually ok, very good for the era, but I chose to scratch build the pilots and radio operators seats, I'm still deciding on the gunners seat. My method is to get the basic shapes glued together then refine them with sandpaper. I have steel belts for the seat belts.

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5 responses

  1. Rob, they look better than what they give you! Toms Modelworks makes a 1/48th generic brass set for Navy WW II aircraft. It has a ring mount with MG sights and armor. That can enhance your rear MG mount, as the parts are for both the single and twin .30s. Good for either Dauntless, Vindicator, or Helldiver.

  2. Nice work (as usual), Rob...cheers!

  3. Thanks guys, I'll have to check out the set from Tom's. I almost went with some ultra cast Wildcat seats, but they weren't quite right. The ones I made still lack some of the subtle curves seen in the real think, but these are close.

  4. And the bier looks tasty!

  5. Yes, it is the best time ofthe year for beer here in the US Pacific Northwest. This one is from Bend Oregon my home state! Lots of full bodied potent and warming winter ales brewed up here in the cold wet north!

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