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Béla Csupor
11 articles

Zvezda MiG-21bis (1:72)

November 10, 2017 · in Aviation · · 21 · 3.5K


I would like to introduce myself with this model. This is a kit. Paints are Gunze the decals are from kit. I used a PE set from Eduard.I hope you like it.

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7  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. Welcome Csupor! You’ve chosen a little gem of a kit to introduce yourself here. Very nice, I like it a lot

  2. Thank you Pedro! 🙂

  3. Welcome to iModeler, Csupor, I see you already have friends here! The MiG-21 is definitely one of my favourite aircraft and this version looks great, looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  4. Thank you! It will be. 🙂

  5. Nice model and welcome Csupor!

  6. Thanks, Dimitry! 🙂

  7. Nice work Csupor, and welcome to the finest modeling site on the web.

  8. Well done Csupor! I like the camouflaged Mig 21's better than the often seen NMF. Welcome to Imodeler!

  9. Great paintwork on this one too, Csupor! Mig-21s are favorites of mine.

  10. I agree with John, the paint work is quite striking! Beautiful MiG to me Csupor, great job on an aviation classic. And yes, welcome aboard! 🙂

  11. It's always fun to see what made that our language is amongst the few which use the surname and first name in a reversed order :)...anyways, it's a really nice Mig and welcome aboard here in iModeler!

  12. It's funny but no problem. Köszönöm a hozzászólást! 🙂

  13. Let me add my welcome as well, my friend...I really like the finish you've achieved on this - looks fantastic!

  14. You're in luck. I like it. Very much!

  15. Excellent model! And welcome aboard the most enjoyable online modeling community on the planet.

  16. So I don't get your surname turned around, I'll say Welcome Bela Csupor!

    Beautiful MIG. The finish - like the first one of yours I saw, is great!

  17. Gentlemen, thank yout! I'm happy! 🙂

  18. Welcome, Bela! Good looking MIG!

  19. Welcome and nice job 🙂


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