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Alfredo Cofré
13 articles

Mistercraft Focke Wulf FW-190 A-8 Rammjager 1/72 “Captive Jaeger”. “Caged Birds” serie

December 22, 2017 · in Aviation · · 8 · 5.5K

Starting this new line of captured warplanes or "caged birds", I let with you my Focke Wulf FW-190 A-8 Rammjager, my Captive Jaeger. I got this design from Pinterest.

What can I say, the kit is not very recommendable, the grooves and details are very shallow and the plastic texture is not nice, like velvet. Worst, ending the project I lost the canopy, so somebody from IPMS-Chile gave me a spare Airfix canopy which didn't matched the kit but what the heck, it is what is is. I cut it, sand it, are there it is. Besides that, was a very fun project. I couldn't find any matching decal in my stash so I painted every one of them. I hope you like it. Next, a Mustang, the Tamed Horse.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

8 responses

  1. That's definitely an interesting scheme for a Butcher Bird! Nicely done! Merry Christmas.

  2. Now that's different, nice job.

  3. First one I've seen completed as a model. Nicely done.

  4. Great idea for a theme and very nicely built.

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