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Hongseob CHOI
22 articles

Wall Display !

December 15, 2017 · in Aviation · · 22 · 13.1K

If you have a really small house and continue building models, this is what would be happen!

I call this "The Aggressive Wall" 😀
It was my plan to gather all "flying things" in same scale in same place. then you can watch comparing Sopwith triplane with a F-22. this different of being drew me interest.
1/144 planes and rotor vehicles is still need to be displayed.. I'm still thinking on it

Anyway.. it was lucky I decided my scale in 1/72 when I first started scale modelling..

I drive 'L' shaped little rod into each models bottom, and hanged it from ceiling with fishing gut. Each fishing guts carrying 2~4 models. Scary for falling accident? nop, it never happens in 2 years. when I touched by accident, when some visitor pulled it, when swing with wind.. ecc. they all survived without scar.

I always wonder how you guys made your own with model.
Please share if you have nice display. put an article with "Display" tag then we can have a database 😉

Have a good day!

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22 responses

  1. I've seen this once or twice in the past, but have yet to employ this particular display method. I still may use it one day - I happen to like it. 🙂

    • It was also hard decision for me. It is really hard to put all of your aircraft of past for the first time. but after done this, it become much easier hanging your new model one by one.

  2. It looks pretty neat, do you have a dust problem?

  3. Hongseob CHOI, you have done the same thing my Father & I did back in the 1960s, when Dad was still alive & we built model airplanes together. By the time we finished, there were about 250 aircraft hanging from small nails in my bedroom wall. The main wall wall and the one intersecting it had all 1/72nd scale aircraft, from the early days of flight through 1945. Dad was not interested in jets, so nothing was newer. On another wall hung the much smaller 1/48th scale models - about 30 in total. The 4th wall had photos and such hanging on it - and yes, some of those pictures were aircraft! There were also 5 or 6 of the largest aircraft models hanging from the ceiling.

    Sadly, I have no pictures of this.

    George, yes, dust was an ever-present issue, but a small feather duster helps - though you must be ever vigilant while dusting. Our house had no air-conditioning and we lived pretty near a highway (motorway) so there was always some breeze coming in through the windows bringing dust with it. I have broken a few propellers and antennae masts while dusting, but you learn to be very careful very quickly! (And this was long before the nearly instant glues were available!) The neat thing that happened occasionally was when the breeze coming in the window would get some of the propellers turning, but that didn't happen very often! Once, during a particularly stormy day, the wind rushing in knocked one of the airplanes off its' nail and I had to repair it! Obviously, I closed the window!

    Yes - I feel this is a very good way of displaying aircraft. Plus ... you have other walls where you could hang auto models if you like. I would leave any shelf space I had for ships and dioramas, if needed.

  4. Interesting idea. If You hang up civilian airplanes is that could be the "Peaceful wall"? Nice collection!

    • I agree with you Gabor 😉
      there is not in this picture but now DH.88 Comet is on center among them which is my first civilian aircraft model. And I made it after I was inspired by your gorgeous build!
      Anyway, in this case I used the word "Aggressive" because everything is pointed here! I like airplanes, not fighters 🙂

  5. That is a nice collection! Great that they are all in the one scale, your ideas worked!

  6. Great to see how this is done in practice!
    I was thinking of doing this when we finish redecorating!
    Thanks Hongseob

  7. My wife informed me - year ago when I took up the hobby - that models and/or display cases would never be considered "home decor!" So - my models are in display cabinets at my office. Fortunately, my boss is ok with it - as long as they all fit into my small office!

    • Ahaha, I can imagine. I'm single and my girlfriend still try hard to understand my hobby. and I tried too, I brought her in airshow and I watch all star wars series with her. both was gamble but fortunately it worked..! except that just couple of R2-D2 things she took away from my shelves...

  8. I did the same when I was in college- I was able to drive staight pins into the drywall.
    Sadly, here in Bermuda construction is typically concrete block with a layer of plaster, so I will not be able to hang kits as easily. We build houses this way because of hurricanes.
    I did end up putting a screw in the wall for my Millenium Falcon (MPC-old one) as I had no room on a shelf, and no real way to hang it from my ceiling!

  9. !st impression with the header reminds me of looking at Butter flies under glass. Then seeing the models hanging from from a wall adds a another twist on how we enjoy the hobby. Its always a corundum on what to do with all of those finished master pieces.

  10. That's one way to do it! Cool way of displaying them.

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