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S. Cubas
26 articles

M4 Sherman

January 23, 2018 · in Armor · · 14 · 2.1K

A very old model, scale, built out of box, with some little added, like barrel net, to cover the inaccurate gun barrel shape.

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6  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Beautiful work, sir...and welcome to iModeler.

  2. Real nice Sherman!

  3. Nice Sherman! You've done a great job with the painting & weathering. I especially like that you left the Loader's and the Tank Commander's hatches open so you can see the turret ring (painted white like the rest of the insides) through those open hatches! That's a view we old tankers like myself & Louis Gardner (@lgardner ) used to see a LOT.


    PS - It seems so obvious to some, I'm sure, but does anyone NOT know why so many tanks are painted white or other light colors inside? It is easier to see inside the tank even when the lights are turned off, since the lights themselves aren't very bright - and there are only 3 or 4 of them, depending on the tank. When it's dark outside and the lights are off it gets DARK in there and every piece of equipment inside attacks your feet to try and trip you or bash your head on something sharp and/or square-cornered! Ha!

  4. Very nice build, I like the fact you found the inaccuracy and "wiped" it under the cover in this way! Nice weathering too! Kudos

  5. Shermans usually look good and this one is no exception, a nice piece of armour.

  6. Nice job! My son built that kit when he was a teenager. Nice model.

  7. Old kit or not, she's a beauty!

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