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Louis Gardner
175 articles

Year of the Cat Group Build………… Reminder

January 30, 2018 · in News · · 12 · 1.4K

Hello again everyone !

This is just a friendly reminder:

It has been quite some time since this Group Build has started. The "Official" Chinese New Year starts on February 16th, 2018, which is a little over two weeks away. It's hard to believe that we started this GB back in June of last Year. Man the time has flown by...

As per the original plan, you can start posting your reveals on this day, if you haven't done so already.

We have had a remarkable turn out during this one... I personally want to thank each and every one of you that have participated, whether it be providing an actual build, or just by posting encouraging comments along the way.

This is a wonderful website ! We are very fortunate to have the support from the staff, who enable us to post our works online, and to have the membership we do, who provide some fantastic models for us to look at...(and some very interesting articles on occasion).

If your build(s) is / (are) not completed by the 16th, don't worry too much... as the end date is not being strictly enforced. Just complete your build when you can... and post it in the headlines section once it's done. Please be sure to include the phrase "" as a tag at the bottom of your article.

I will be posting a group recap / summary, (similar to how we did for the Midway GB), shortly after our articles have been posted. If I happen to accidentally miss your build, please drop me a message and I will add it to the recap. I will try my very best to ensure this doesn't happen, but I am prone to mistakes every now and then...

Thanks again, and we will be looking forward to your postings !

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2  Awesome

12 responses

  1. Oops, not sure if I included “Year of the Cat” in the tag, only in the headline...

    • We'll let that little faux pas slide this time, George. 🙂

    • No worries George... You can edit your postings and add the tag at you convenience. It will make things much easier to find when I do a search to locate all of the builds.

      If you don't mind, please add the tag as "Year of the Cat Group Build" Martin and his staff were kind enough to start a section for us under the "A to Z' section. If you don't add the words "Group Build" to the "Year of the Cat", it won't show up.

      Thanks in advance my friend...

        • Hi Louis, I've amended the tags and it seems to work fine, thanks again for organising this group build, definitely my favourite one.

          • Thank you George for taking the time to amend your articles. It will make things much easier to locate when I do the recap on the Group Build. I'm very glad to hear that you have enjoyed this GB. I have too ! I believe this one turned out much better than I ever anticipated, and it's because of guys like you, who did such a wonderful job posting their builds. It was a group effort my friend.

            Thanks Again !

  2. Louis, thanks for the update. I am currently getting ready to do my photo session and should be ready for the unveiling on the 16th.

  3. Louis - great idea to tag that way - I went back and added the tag to my 2 builds so they would be easy to find. Good thinking my friend!

    • Thanks Greg for adding the tag. It will definitely make things much easier to find when I post up the recap of the Group Build a little later... Plus we can always go back and see what the others have built at any time. So it's a win / win for all of us.

      Thanks again buddy !

  4. Thanks Louis for the reminder. To have been away last week at Nuremberg Toyfair didn't leave any time to build. The Mirage 2000 is ready for the paintjob, so I hope to finish that in time. It is absolutely great fun to take part in the GB and see what all of us are turning out.

    • Thanks Ferry for taking the time to post your article on the Nuremberg Toy Fair. I enjoyed it very much, just as I have watching everyone building their models for the "Year of the Cat" GB.

      If you don't finish your Mirage in time, no worries. The end date is not being strictly enforced. Simply finish it when you can, and post it up once you're able to.

      Please add the tag "Year of the Cat Group Build" at the bottom of your article. This will allow me to find it much easier. I will include a photo or two of each build in the final Group Recap article.

      Thanks again, and take care my friend.

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