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Thomas Sweeney
36 articles

Leaving the Chosin Reservoir

February 7, 2018 · in Uncategorized · 12 · 2.2K

On 27th Nov. 50, thousands of Chinese troops swarmed over the frozen Yalu River, on the N. Korean/Chinese border, cutting off US Marines in the Chosin Reservoir area. Over the next ten days the Marines, with air support from both the Navy and Marine Air Wings, fought their way out of the trap to Hungnman and safety.

Thanks for looking all comments are welcomed

Semper Fi


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6  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Very interesting subject. You captured the feeling of cold and exhaustion very well in the soldiers. Nice work, looks like a labor of love for sure.

    What scale is this?

  2. Matt it's 1/35


  3. Tom, continuing your Marine dioramas! This one makes me shiver. Great work!

  4. Excellent work, sir...I love it!

  5. Yes! you can almost feel the cold, well done sir.

  6. Yes Bernie continuing with my Marine dioramas
    Craig,Matt and Robert thanks for the kind comments


  7. Looks like it's right out of my book, "The Frozen Chosen." I can feel the windchill there in Toktong Pass.

  8. Got cold just looking at it Tom. Wasn't it Chesty Puller who stated they weren't retreating, just fighting in another direction?

  9. I'm with the rest, Thomas ... this made me cold just by looking at it! Really well done figures.

    The Frozen Chosin. Yep. Bravo!

  10. Man - they look worn out and cold! Nice job.

  11. Thomas, this looks fantastic !

    My Dad was there at the Chosin. He was with the US Army however. Still to this day, most don't know that the Army was there right along with the Marines.

    They acted as a blocking force and slowed the Chinese down enough to where the marines could regroup. The 31st Infantry took heavy casualties. I think only a little over 300 men were still combat capable when they reached Hungnam with the Marines, out of over 3,000 they started out with.

    They also helped to clear the ridges along the road to Hungnam.

  12. Yes it was Chesty's remark He is seating in the Jeep with the driver and a Marine guard
    He said retreat hell We're advancing in a different direction
    Thanks for the kind comments on my diorama


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