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Hongseob CHOI
22 articles

Taj Mahal, non-scale, Piececool

February 5, 2018 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 2.1K

Hi Imodelers,

I once put my '3d-Metal Puzzle' Eiffel tower model with base. this is successive work done.

There is many of Taj Mahal (also Eiffel tower) 3d metal puzzle models in market. I recommend this Piececool's one because it's only model has right shape with real building. others are almost toys.

I painted it white and add some discoloration effect with each marble panel. and washed with very thinned brown enamel.

Base is still satellite image collage. add some sponges and I make water with gloss varnish.

The output is much prettier than the simple work I put in. it took couple of day for finish all.
I attached the base image I used. and you can easily find the model on Aliexpress in around 10 dolors with free shipment..
I recommend to try it for someone who suffered from hard and long project 🙂

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9  Awesome 1 

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Wow...glad you added the pic with your hand (the model's a lot smaller than I'd imagined)...excellent craftsmanship, sir.

  2. Hello Mr. Choi,
    I enjoyed your contribution this morning.
    Excellent piece of craftsmanship. What a small scale!
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  3. Nice to see something a little different, very neatly done.

  4. Wow! That's a really Cool Piece! (Sorry for the pun)

    Great work, Mr. Choi. I can't believe it's a puzzle!

  5. Yes, I wouldn't have thought that it was a puzzle, Nice!

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