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Boris Grgić
40 articles

Hasegawa 1/72 F-16 CJ Fighting Falcon

March 31, 2018 · in Aviation · · 5 · 3.4K

It's a simple little kit by Hasegawa, very easy to assemble. I used it to practice salt weathering and experiment with electronics. Not too detailed, not too perfect, but it looks very nice in the dark with lights turned on. And yes, I suck at photography!

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7  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Very innovative little project, Boris...and I've seen much worse photography.

  2. Nice little F-16. Weathering/Paint looks good. Salt technique is one skill I need to practice with also. Tried it other day and screwed up the model. Needed to repaint it. What type of salt did u use?

  3. Weathering looks very nice on this!

  4. Very neat work, especially in this scale, pity we can't see a night time picture.

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