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Louis Gardner
177 articles

Kit Review: 1/48 Tamiya 61117, Messerschmitt Bf-106 G6, Part 2 of 2

March 23, 2018 · in Reviews · · 39 · 4.4K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Kit review: 1/48 Tamiya Messerschmitt Bf-109 G6, Part 1 of 2
  2. Kit Review: 1/48 Tamiya 61117, Messerschmitt Bf-106 G6, Part 2 of 2

Here it is, hot on the heels of Part 1.

This article has a special meaning for me, since it will be my 100th article posted here on iModeler. Many thanks go out to Martin and his extraordinary team.

The first article dealt mainly with the kit instructions, decals, painting schemes and canopy masks.

Now I know a lot of people are saying (or thinking to themselves), “Do we really need another 109?” Probably not, as Hasegawa has the 109's nailed down pretty good in scale. There are other manufacturers such as Zvezda (and the Revell re-boxing of this kit) that are molded with engines. But to see a mainstream manufacturer release one is very nice indeed. Especially when you see hints of things to come with future releases, engineered and molded into the current new tooled kit.

So I asked myself this very question (with me being a “109-oholic” and all).

I promptly looked at my display case as it currently looks...

and decided rather quickly that definitely Yes! we do need another 109!

Earlier I mentioned there were four gray plastic parts trees. These plastic parts are molded with precision. No flash or other problems were noted on my kit. In all honesty, there shouldn't be any faults this early in the game, since this is a brand new release.

Here is one of the two larger parts trees. This tree contains the propeller and fuselage half parts, along with some other things.

This next photo shows the other larger parts tree. This tree has the one piece lower wing.

There are two remaining gray parts trees. Here is one of them. These remaining trees are smaller than the first two I mentioned above. The largest parts contained in this tree are the upper wing halves.

The last gray parts tree looks like this, and contains the engine and other various bits.

There are two front wind screens supplied. There is a minor difference between the two windscreens. One has a larger air vent located in the lower corner. The other windscreen has the same vent, but it is much smaller in size.

The clear parts are molded very nicely. The parts are very thin and transparent. There are several gun sights provided, (that can be seen in the top of this picture)

and several types of pilot's head rest armor plates included too. The canopy can be posed open or closed.

Now that an overview has been made on the plastic parts, I will get into some of the finer details found on these parts.

This next picture shows how finely the fuselage panel lines are molded. They don't appear to be too deep, or too shallow. If you look closely on the right of this picture, you can see the two types of air intake provided. One is a standard opening, while the other is a "tropicalized" air intake with the filter molded on from of the intake.

In this photo, you can see the details present on the rudder. Again, this part looks rather nice... By molding the kit with a separate rudder, this again leaves me to believe that Tamiya will eventually release a later model 109 with the "Tall Wooden" tail, or even the other style of 109 rudder which had more of a flat bottom profile to it.

This photo shows the propeller and spinner, along with the spinner backing plate. The instrument panel can also be seen at the bottom left in this photo.

This photo shows me that Tamiya is planning on releasing a few more 109 kits, providing this one sells well. Here is the typical "short" style fin assembly. It has been molded as a separate part. I believe this way it will be easier to mold a new "taller" fin that was used later on during the War. The "taller" fin was constructed of mainly wood, since aircraft metals were becoming a scarce commodity for Germany in 1944...

This picture is cool... It shows the different style drop tank bottoms. One is molded round, while the other has a flat bottom.

Here you can also see the wing tip inserts. I honestly don't know how these will work out. I have had bad luck in the past with other manufacturers doing this. There always seems to be a problem with how the parts fit together that leads to filler being used and some sanding done.

Since this is a Tamiya kit, I'm hoping this will turn out better...

Here's a close up of the surface details on the lower wing. You can see for yourself how nice the panel lines are. Also present in this picture, are the housings for the under wing "Gondola" 20 MM cannons. They are visible in the upper left side of the photo.

Speaking of the under wing cannons, here they are... You can also see the fuselage center line drop tank rack.

They have engineered the kit so that you can display your model with the fuel tank installed or not. If you get tired of how it looks, you can change it up, since the drop tank is held in place with poly caps...

This next picture shows the panel line details on the upper surface of the wing. You will also notice that the outboard wing slats have been molded separately, and they can be posed open or closed.

If you are planning on displaying your plane parked on the ground, open would be correct, as air pressure created by drag as the plane moved through the air would push these slats closed. They would automatically deploy when the pressure dropped.

Here we have a close up photo of the cowlings. The one on top is the one you use if you want to display your model with the engine exposed. It is a one piece affair that has the cowling panels held open at the proper angle.

Should you decide to close everything up, use the bottom set...

This is a close up showing the two different style tail wheels. The main wheel hubs are also visible in this picture.

This next part (numbered F1), shows the inner portion of the cowling where the Cowl mounted MG's are located. This part serves as a support for the outer panels when the closed option is used...

Following next, are parts for the cowl "Bulges" that are so prominent on the G-6 models...

Remember the "Open Cowl" version I mentioned earlier ? Here is a picture showing the details that are molded into the underside...

This photo shows details that are molded into the under side of the top wing half. This area will represent how the interior of the main landing gear wheel well area looks.

Speaking of the main wheels, here they are...

Next we have a close up of the DB engine block. It looks like this is very detailed once the engine is completely built. I'm sure that someone could spend some time with scratch building and turn this area into a show stopper...

Here is a close up of the engine bearers or "Motor Mounts" as they are occasionally called. These look even better in person, and are prominently displayed when the cowl is open.

This next photo shows the air intakes. If you look close, you can see that one set I for a "tropicalized" plane, while the other is your standard air intake opening. Tamiya even included a closed air intake cap along with the open one for the "tropicalized" version. The turbo charger can also be seen in this photo.

You have a lot of choices during construction, so it would be wise to study first, and make some assembly notes prior to cutting any plastic.

Here we have a close up picture displaying the exhaust... They look very nice too.

The cowling mounted MG's are displayed in this picture...

This last photo shows the "horse shoe" shaped oil reservoir. This is visible when the cowling is opened. Also shown in this picture, are the cowling support rods. These were used to support the cowling when it was in the raised position on the real plane.

There you have it. I think I covered most of the important things in this kit.

If you have any questions or have any comments that you would like to add, please do not hesitate. I am hoping that there are others out there, who have some knowledge about 109's can chime in and give their opinion of this kit.

Either way, good or bad, please post your comments. I want my reviews to be as honest as possible. I don't have anything to gain by writing my reviews. I paid for my models out of pocket.

I simply want the truth to be told, and for our readers to get an honest idea of what to expect should they decide to purchase a kit.

I have not measured anything, or compared the kit to any scale drawings to see how it lines up... someone else can do that.

It looks like a 109 to me, and I liked the kit so much, I bought a second one when the LHS restocked their shelves a week or so after I bought the first one.

I have been thinking about doing a build comparison between this new Tamiya kit, and one of the older Hasegawa kits, similar to how I have been doing with the Monogram and the ICM 1/48 scale He-111 kits. It will be a little while before I can do this, since I already have a lot going on at the work bench.

So please, by all means, if anyone out there wants to do this before I get the chance, please do so.

I'd love to hear what you have to say about this kit.

Thanks Tamiya. We do live in the “Golden Age” of plastic modelling.

As usual, comments are encouraged.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

39 responses

  1. Very well done review Louis. Comprehensive narrative and as well as all the photographic examples one could possibly want/need. Bravo, sir. Nice job.

    • Thanks Craig. I appreciate the reply. I think that Tamiya has included almost everything needed to build a great looking 109 right out of the box. The only thing I see that could be upgraded is the seat belts. I particularly don't care for decal seat belts, maybe that's just me.

  2. The perfect review I wish everyone would do, no bashing, no criticism. An honest point of view. Pointing out the pros and cons. I like that you didn't also make the kit better than others. Just pointing out the new details that Tamiya offers compared to the other kits already available. The details shown, pointing out the different approach that Tamiya followed. Also Tamiya has stepped on their packaging as well. Decals now in a plastic envelope. They did not do this before, which led to disintegrating decals when you put them in water as they have been in the box unprotected for a few years. Well done. Now I want one. Not a gung ho BF-109 like I am with the Corsair and F-14's. But I do have a Hasegawa Emile and F2 in the stash. Another kit I have never built in any shape, form or scale is a Gustav and any of the sub variants. So definitely will pick one of these up and any follow on variants if Tamiya decides to add to their line. Thanks for a well done review Louis. Bravo.

    • Thanks Chuck !
      I try to keep my reviews upbeat and not too overly critical. Sure there are some things I don't care for with this model. One thing is the need to use filler on several small hatches or openings, (the other is the decal seat belts). But I understand the reasoning behind the attempt at making a "universal" 109 fuselage and that is to get more variants on the shelves and an attempt to keep the costs down (and profits up) for the Tamiya company.
      There are a few planes that I really appreciate and the 109 is one of them. The others include the F4U, P-40, P-47, F6F, Fw-190, Me-262, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51 and the A6M (and Ki-61) are some of the others. So when Tamiya released this kit, I just had to get it. I like how Tamiya engineers their kits and how they build up with very little fit problems (as a rule).

      Thanks for the compliments my friend...

  3. Had the chance to look at the "shelf-sitter" of this at the LHS (been there three weeks, not purchased). If you're interested in Tamiya's overpriced "toys" (which is what I categorize everything they've done since their 1/32 Zeros, including the 1/32 Spitfires and the 1/32 Mustangs - the Corsairs not so much), I guess you'll get this. But the Eduard Bf-109Gs have this beat seven ways from Sunday other than you can "switch" open and closed cowling. Zvezda does everything this overpriced toy does as a model for 1/3 the price.

    Yeah, I am sooooooooooooooooooooo over Tamiya (not being a 10-thumbed i***t who can actually build a model). Their Ki-61 is twice the price of the Hasegawa kits, for less than half the value.

    That said, yeah, their P-47s are still "definitive," but Airfix cleaned their clock on P-51Ds.

    • I agree Tom, Living in South Africa, with the exchange rate as it is, it is a once a year purchase that usually needs to be sneaked in through the back door so that the Wife doesn't see it. I am just so over all the regular aircraft being made, surely there are many other aircraft out there that could be made into a kit, something different for a change. I will stick to scratch building until a kit comes along that I really want to build. Tamiya prices for what you get just makes me cringe. Well I guess there are some die hard modellers that are willing to pay for the kit. It does look like a great kit though...

      • Hello Marc,

        It's good to hear from you my friend.

        I understand your thoughts completely. I almost had to sneak this kit into our home.

        I have an agreement with my wife. She doesn't ask about what I spend on my airplane hobby, and I don't question her about her sewing and cloth purchases. It works out pretty good.

        I try to limit my purchases now that I have retired, since now I am on a fixed income. So when I do get something new, it's something that I really want.

        I wanted to get this new tool 109 from the instant I heard it was hitting the shelves soon. I like Tamiya stuff, and the 109 is among my favorite planes.

        However, I don't think I will ever own anything in the 1/32 scale range of Tamiya kits. They are just to expensive for me. Believe me, I would LOVE to have the Tamiya Corsair. It's my favorite all time plane. But I will not pay $150 for it... That's crazy expensive.

        If I had you scratch building skills, I would have a Mitsubishi G3M "Nell" and an early He-111 with the stepped nose and elliptical wings, (both in 1/48 scale)...

        You sir have some skills... 🙂

        Thanks for your comments.

        Take care.

    • I think the Eduard's business model is geared towards "The Fan Boy" of 109s given the wide range of pricing and combinations of whats in the box. One can get Over Trees which are the bare bones kits that come in white boxes with just the plastic or you can get limited edition boxing's with mug or beer glass and a piece of metal with several kits. You get a reasonable pricing range that varies between twenty to a hundred dollars U.S. and the true "Fan Boy" gets many of the variations of the type. Given the devaluation of the dollar that will being growing.

      On the other hand, the Tamiya kit seems to be geared towards the casual modeler and given that the Japanese don't always have acres of shelf space and basements in their apartments... getting one kit for the collection maybe is the targeted audience. It would be interesting to see what happens in a Japanese LHS.

      • Hello Stephen,
        I have a few Eduard kits, but not one of their 109's. Sadly, they are not carried by our LHS. If they were, I may have more of them in the stash... Each one of my Eduard purchases have been from an online source. I looked at the Eduard Hellcat in my collection, and compared it to the Hasegawa and Hobby Boss kit. I'm still partial to the Hasegawa version.

        I have several Eduard P-39's (and the Accurate Miniatures re box versions of the Air Racer kit). My Hasegawa P-39 is still shrink wrapped, but I have a few of the old Monogram kit. The Eduard P-39 looks good in the box, but I have built the Monogram kit and I like it too... I have never built one of Eduard's kits. But hopefully this will change soon.

        I guess what I'm trying to say is that we all have our own tastes and opinions. What one person likes, another may not.

        I'm good with this.

        Eduard does have a rather unique way of marketing their stuff. I'm not bashing anyone, and I simply wanted to get our readers an idea of what is in the Tamiya box.

        Thanks for your reply to the article.

    • Tom,
      I appreciate your input. Our somewhat "local" hobby store (not so local now since it's a 30 mile drive one way) doesn't carry anything made by Eduard. Rather than purchase all of my kits online, I stop by regularly and buy a kit or two (along with the necessary building supplies) in an effort to help keep the store open. Online sales are killing the LHS. Most "mom and pop" hobby shops simply can't compete with a store that has less operating overhead. Imagine how much your $3.69 bottle of paint would cost you with shipping involved ? That is where we are all headed if we don't stop in and help support your local hobby stores...

      I have not had the opportunity to look at an Eduard 109 in person. Maybe someday I will.

      In the meantime, why don't you compose a kit review on one ? It would be interesting to see what is inside the Eduard box. I don't have anything to gain by writing my reviews. I paid for my stuff out of pocket.

      I simply did this to show our fellow modelers what Tamiya has done with this new tool kit.
      The new tool Tamiya Ki-61 is a fabulous kit. I did a review on it here too. It's expensive and I didn't care about the clear fuselage half that was included. But I still bought one because I wanted one. I am eventually going to do a side by side build log here soon, between the Tamiya Ki-61 kit and the Hasegawa kit, just like I am currently doing with the He-111 using the new tool ICM kit and the older Monogram version. I have quite a few of the Hasegawa kits in my stash, since I happen to like the Ki-61. It's one of the most elegant planes produced by the Japanese. That's why I purchased the Tamiya kit...

      I have read that you can't build the Zvezda model with the engine installed AND have the cowling closed. It's one or the other correct ? How is that superior ? I get the less expensive thing...I bought several of the Zvezda Bf-109 F-2 kits (and the Revell Re boxing F-2 / F-4 kits) too.

      I will probably never end up with anything that Tamiya produces in 1/32 scale. They are simply too much for my wallet. Believe me, I would LOVE to own the Tamiya Corsair... but I am not going to pay $150 for a plastic model.

      If someone was to give me one and ask me to write a review on it, I would jump at the opportunity to do so. Heck, I would even do a build review for them with tons of pictures... 🙂

      In the very near future I am going to build a few Tamiya P-47's, one will be for the "Nose Art" GB. I have a few Hasegawa kits and have been toying with the idea of doing a comparison build there too... You are correct, the Tamiya T-bolt look really nice in the box.

      I bought a new tool Airfix Mustang, based on the kit reviews and comments I have read online. You may be correct there to, as I think the Airfix kit "looks" better, especially when it comes to how the canopy is rendered. But I still have not ever built a Tamiya Mustang, and keep in mind it is at least 20 years old now... This would be another great subject for a side by side building review... Heck I could even throw a Hasegawa Mustang in the mix, and a Monogram kit to make it interesting... now you got me thinking. 🙂

      Thanks for the honest feedback. I was very sincere when I asked about posting up a kit review on the new tool Eduard 109... If you happen to have another lying around, and have the time to post it, that would be great.

      • Louis, I will sometime soon present 2 109Gs I’m currently building, the Zvezda and the Eduard products.

        Right now I can tell you that Eduard has a slight advantage given the easier build steps and the rivet details (which is a feature that doesn’t please all crowds mind you, but one which I favour if presented in a restrained way, like Eduard does in their 109 F/G range).

        Zvezda is a bit more demanding to get done, has some parts that just fall together and some that you need to dry fir serveral times, and still they put up fight 🙂

        It has no rivets, but the shape is also top notch and has the best 1/48 cockpit in the market with just bare plastic. Adding PE and scratched stuff will only enhanced it above all others using those mediums, and it comes with a very good engine. Here’s a pic of it without the plumbing (which the modeller needs to add).

        All in all, there’s a Gustav out there for all tastes, but 4 out of 5 I choose Eduard overtree since I have a ton of decals in the stash and buy a few extras occasionally from quickboost or from their brassin range. I try to keep the cost at around 25€ per model

        1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

        • Hello Pedro !
          This is the exact stuff I was looking for when I posted the review. Good feedback, and a photo or two to let others see what we are talking about.

          I will be looking forward to your articles.

          The picture you added, combined with unbiased personal building experience is spot on. I have a model of the 1/48 scale 109 F-2 Zvezda kit, and the "re box" version marketed by Revell as a 109 F-2 / F-4 plane, but I haven't looked at them in a while.

          What I would really like to see happen is have someone post up an article about the new Eduard kit. From what you and Tom C. have stated, it sounds very good.

          I don't have one in the collection "yet"... but I think I can see another purchase on the horizon... 🙂

          Your engine build looks fantastic !

          Yes I'm a 109 "junkie"... You can tell this from the stash.
          1/48 109's

          1/32 scale 109's...

          and I like the Focke Wulf planes too...
          1/48 scale 190's

          and 1/32 scale 190's...

          I have 4 Fw-190's on the work bench right now... as soon as I get them completed, and more work done on some other projects I will start a build comparison with one of the latest releases sort of how I am doing the He-111's at the moment.

          • Damm Louis, that’s a proper Alladins cave! The only 1/32 I recall building from your stash is the venerable Revell box, with Graf red tulip. A genuine 70’s kit.
            But with exception of MPM 109 T and Hasegawa G-10 I built them all, and all are worthy. So it seems you have enough in there to keep you busy for at least severeal years;-)

          • I've got this kit and, although I haven't built it, I will confidently say that after perusing the sprues and instructions, it appears to be another Tamiya masterpiece.

            I have at least six more G-series in the stash (four Hasegawa, one Revell, and one AMT). Not about to throw any of them out and all will be built, providing I live long enough. When all is said and done, it's really hard to tell one manufacturer's well-built kit from another, when they're sitting in the display case or contest table.

            That said, if I didn't already have a G, and was in the market for one, I would certainly go with new Tamiya. It would be a close call over Eduard or ICM, but at the end of the day, Tamiya always delivers a great experience.

    • Bit late to the show, but Tamiya's kits are really not expensive when you buy them from the right places and wait a few years for the hype to pass. This kit is now $18 at Plaza Japan. Bargain!

      So yes, maybe Eduard has the upper hand when it comes to cockpit and surface detail, but unfortunately their 109 has some significant accuracy issues. Amongst things the exhaust opening is too large, the landing gear is too far back(!) and the vertical tail is inaccurate (wrong leading edge angle and the rudder hinge is in the wrong place). I compared Tamiya's offering against a laser scan of an actual G-6 and it is spot on. That makes it the only accurate Bf 109 in 1/48 scale currently on the market. $18 well spent.

  4. Hello. I have no dog in the Tamiya vs. others fight. I don't know about ANY of them to make a comparison. I just know that this looks like a great kit, thanks to your very comprehensive review, Louis. Like Chuck, I want to build a 109, perhaps this one. However, I have a lot of other kits to do before I spend any more money, so I'll have to settle (if that's the right word) for the ancient - and still good for its day - Monogram Bf-109E kit from the 1960s or early 70s. This isn't a problem as I prefer the looks of the earlier E-type nose! Stoopid, right? Anyway, great review and photos, Lou. I too like the way you simply presented this model for what it is, NOT a comparison and "tear down" to other kits. Tom and Marc, I do appreciate your feelings because as I said, I really know nothing in detail about any other kits except the Monogram I already have. I would only be able to judge by the reputation of the various manufacturers. Let's face it, Tamiya, Hasegawa, Zvedza, and Eduard ALL have great reputations so I suppose price would have to enter any of my calculations or decisions.

    Thanks for a great review, Buddy! Bravo!

    • Hello Jeff,
      Good to hear from you my fellow DAT... 🙂
      I have no dog in this fight either. I simply wanted to post up a review that would give the reader a good idea as to what is inside the box. Sure there are other 109 kits out there... LOTS of them. I wanted this Tamiya kit the instant I heard it was going to hit the shelves. I really like the Tamiya stuff and the 109, so I just had to do it.

      Certainly I understand the idea behind the thought "do we need another 109 ?" as many will say 'NO' we don't. But there may be a market for anything 109 (or Mustang) related stuff.

      Just because a kit is older doesn't make it a bad kit. I have been pleasantly surprised with my Monogram He-111.

      The bottom line is this... It's your money, and your choice. Do what is best for you.

      Hopefully my review will help let you decide, since you pretty much know what is inside the box after reading the article.

      Take care my friend.

  5. Well when your an adult you get to make adult choices. Its your money and you've earned it. How you spend it is up to you. I am reminded of the blurb " Those who can't afford shouldn't ask." Or "if you got it flaunt it". The money to feed the plastic addiction varies for each modeler. Or how much pain are you willing to put up with. Its amusing how folks get attached to brands or that word that everyone now throws out "Branding" . I though that was something you did to cows and it hurts them. Yes the new Tamiya kits are high end with the intent of being easy to assemble with little fuss and they do allow the modeler to get to the canvas or the act of painting much sooner depending on the kit. The extra cost is time saved for the modeler. That's how some folks rationalize things.

    Louis, two thumbs up on the review. The neat thing about this medium is that it can support the written word and photos very well. We modelers are a visual lot and seeing is believing. Keep up the good work.

    • Thanks Stephen,
      If I didn't like the 109 as much as I do, then I may not have purchased this kit. But I also like Tamiya stuff... so it was a thing I just had to do. I knew this review was going to draw fire from both sides of the camp. That's why I simply described what I saw in the box.

      Several things that I really like about Tamiya kits is their engineering and fit. Speed of assembly comes with that, along with less frustration when something goes wrong. To me this hobby is supposed to be about relaxing and having fun. You don't get too much of that when things start heading on a downward spiral. That goes towards having a bad experience with a kit.

      Having said these things about this new tool 109 kit, and the cost of this kit, I will probably never own anything Tamiya in the 1/32 scale, simply based on the price. I can't afford a $150 dollar Corsair, (which is the ultimate kit in my opinion), but it sure would be nice if someone would give me one to write about. I'd jump on that opportunity in a flash. I would even do a great build review showing most of the steps involved... 🙂

      • You can rationalize anything and the folks who buy these big ticket models that cost 150.00 dollars will say that the up front costs are expensive but, the return is in the number of hours of "Modeling pleasure" 😉 or the return makes up for the 150.00 dollars spent. If you put 300 hours into your Tamiya Corsair and your worth 5 dollars an hour your getting 1500 hundred minus the 150.00 your getting 1350 hours of "Modeling Pleasure". That's one way of rationalizing...

        • I like the way you think !

          Good stuff Stephen. 🙂

          I have several of the ancient 1/32 scale Revell F4U kits, and I spent a lot of money on resin "upgrades" such as a cockpit, flaps, landing gear wheel wells, tires, and a new resin R2800, plus some AM decals ...

          I have some money invested in them, but I still don't think that I have invested anywhere near as much money as what Tamiya is asking for with their new Corsairs.

          Now will my building experience be as trouble free as a Tamiya kit is right out of the box ?

          Probably not... but I hope to have fun in the process.

          It boils down to how much one is willing to spend on their own personal tastes.

          Thanks for the feedback... 🙂

    • It really becomes an existential question. Some value the journey, others value the destination. I'm in the latter camp and my enjoyment doesn't come from the building process, but from admiring my finished work.

      The older I get, the more I realize that time is my most valuable resource. Much more so than money. I'll glady spend more money, to save time, every time. Whether it's in business, in my hobbies, in fixing up the house, etc. I recently came to the conclusion that I can work one extra hour (as a software developer) and, in that hour, make enough money to pay for two months worth of yard maintenance for my house. Probably save myself a good 12 hours of work. By doing what I'm good at and what comes easy, I can pay someone else to do what they're good at. 🙂

      • Hello Bill, @bill_weckel

        I read your responses, and you brought up a valid point. Sometimes it pays to have a professional do something. We recently had a new roof installed. Years ago I would have done the work myself. Now that I'm older, I decided to let someone else do the work. They had it done in a few days, where I would have had to work quite a while longer at it.

        Am I totally satisfied with the job they did ? No... absolutely not. They cut corners and I'm to the point that I am thinking about filing a complaint with the better business bureau. They had a decent online review, but in reality they really sucked at what they do...

        Case in point, I did my research. I took a chance and tried to do something that I thought would save me time in the long run. I guess I just ended up with the slacker crew for the roof installation.

        But I am very pleased with the quality of the roof shingle I picked out, so it's not all in vain.

        Having my choice between anything Tamiya over another company, I'll take the Tamiya, just like you. I'm not getting any younger and the older I get, the more valuable my time is. I'd rather be painting a model than using filler trying to get it right.

        If you look at most (if not all) of my current builds underway, they are all multiples. This is the only way I might be able to get the majority of my stash built before I go to the great LHS in the sky...

        Most of the time you don't need filler on a newer Tamiya kit. They're just that good. When you do, it's often to fill in a small place such as a panel line that wasn't there on a particular type. Or even due to operator error (the kit builder making a blunder)...

        I liked this kit so much that I ended up with 3 of them in the stash...

        Thanks for the comments. 🙂

        • Amen brother. Yeah, the contractor's are never going to live up to my nitpicking standards but I'm learning that good enough is, generally, good enough. I just installed crown molding in our living room. Shoulda hired someone for that. Lots of cussing. Lots of wasted materials. In the end, it looks great, but I could have built a few models in the same time that cluster**** took me.

  6. Another comment, about Eduard kits and the local hobby store. My LHS doesn't stock them either the demand is not there and I too have to go through mail order. I also, go to another LHS and once asked if they had the Revell Arado 196 in 1/32 and the owner was up front and said that he'd never have anything like that on his shelves. He's a Navy man, up front and candid and stated that his customers have no interest. Some of these kits are too esoteric for American tastes or they don't qualify as bread and butter kits. You can order them through the LHS and get them several weeks later. Our hobby has many options and what ever floats your boat and supports the hobby is best at times.

    • You know I may just have to ask the owner if he will "special order" in an Eduard 109 G kit for me. If I remember correctly, I tried to get one of the Eduard Hellcat releases years ago from him, but he didn't have a source.

      I would rather pay just a little more and get the kit from him to help keep the doors open at his shop. It will be a sad day indeed for me should he ever close up...

      I think you are on to something about tastes. I'm fairly certain that Tamiya took the time and effort to produce a new tool 109, simply because 109's sell... Ask anyone about a Messerschmitt and the name will probably ring a bell. The same goes for a Corsair, a Spitfire or a Mustang...

      The same thing goes with our hobby. Build it and they will sell. Most of the time, but not always...

      Some examples of this are planes like the Monogram 1/48 scale PBY and Ju-52, and the Tamiya He-219.

  7. Thanks for the comprehensive review. It's a matter of you pays your money , and takes your choice. Not to mention the reviews and your own experience with the manufacturer, or whether the kit appeals to you. Lot of choices. It's a great time to be a modeler.

  8. Nice extensive review, Louis. I don't know if it was covered but if my local hobby shop doesn't have what I'm looking for , I have them order it for me.

    • You're welcome Robert. I have had our "somewhat" local Hobby Store order me kits in the past too. I tried several years ago before to get an Eduard F6F Hellcat but at that time he said he didn't have the capability to get an Eduard kit.

      Who knows, maybe things have changed and he can get one now... I'll give him another try at it.

      Thanks for suggesting this Robert, and for the comments on the kit review...

  9. Louis, a wonderful review on what appears to be a great kit. From my first hand experience, I can't find too much at fault with Tamiya, especially with any of there new style kits. However here is where I think some explanation needs to be said. If you want a nice looking 109, you can get that from a bunch of kits, all the way back to the Monogram kits (that actually look very nice). Hasegawa, also very nice (but can be even more over priced). Now comes what I would call the elite kits, Eduard and Tamiya. Yes they cost more, but if your the guy that wants a more detailed kit, such as opening the hood or busying up the cockpit then take some time and consider this. If you use a basic kit and buy a bunch of after market stuff, such as engine and cockpit details to get what you want/ need you can go way over the price of the Eduard and Tamiya kit. So, one needs to weigh where they are going with there project !

    For me I simply was not in the market for a 109, having a short stack of Hasegawa kits, however seeing this, I may have just changed my mind.

    Thanks for sharing this review, very informative !

    • Thank you Terry. Like you I think that Tamiya stuff is really good, especially when it comes to the fit and finish areas. I have been getting some responses that rate the new tool Eduard kits as a close "if not better" 109 kit at a less expensive cost.

      I agree that you can start out with a less expensive kit, add a bunch of aftermarket upgrades to it, and before you know it, you are exceeding the original selling price of the Tamiya model. Then you have to deal with making all of the necessary changes in order to get these aftermarket resin parts to fit.

      I have done this exact thing with several of my old Revell 1/32 scale F4U Corsairs...
      then Tamiya released their excellent versions... Just my luck. But I still haven't purchased one of their new 1/32 scale kits. It's just too much to spend at one time. even though it would probably be a little cheaper in the long run.

      I have a pretty big collection of 109's in the stash. It's about a 50 percent toss up between built and unbuilt kits in my collection.

      I still wanted this new tool Tamiya kit... and I am very happy with the purchase. Hopefully soon I can build a few more 109's.
      Maybe even do a build comparison like I am currently doing with the 1/48 ICM kit and the older 1/48 Monogram version of the He-111...

      Thanks again for your comments !

  10. The 'Tamiya Issue' is interesting. Some modelers build as quick as they can to get to the painting. Others see building (including seam work, putty work, and file work) as the joy. To me, a guy can take the Tammy 1/32 Corsair and still make a pig's ear of it and another can make the same scale bird by Revell into something like the Sistine Chapel ceiling (Robert Bausch from iModeler, below...)

    If you want to model, I can understand finding the Tamiya stuff is 'too easy'. Having built the Tammy 1/32 Mosquito, I have to say I loved it but did get a little bored at times (maybe a little like an artist trying a 'paint by numbers' kit). The lack of challenge was noticeable sometimes (although on the whole it was a great experience, I couldn't do that sort of build often).

    Anyway, we all build for different reasons, and it changes from project to project. There's an old joke; guy dies and wakes to find himself on the most beautiful golf course he's ever seen. He hits a ball, it flies 400 yards straight into the hole. Same thing happens on the second, third, fourth, and fifth hole. He starts to get frustrated and says to his caddie, "thought heaven would be more fun". Caddie says, "this ain't heaven...". Those Tamiya big birds can be a little like that.

    Thanks for the review Louis. You are a star.

    • David,
      You know I think you hit on a subject that is very interesting for me. There are times when I want a challenging build, and other times where I like to just go on auto pilot and before you know it, the kit is done.

      I usually have way too many projects going on at once. This stems from my wanting to participate in various Group Builds. The Midway GB I started about a year ago was very well received. Because of this, I want to sort of "Pay it back" to my fellow friends, when they have started a new Group Build.

      As a rule, my go to models are a Tamiya or Hasegawa kit when I want to build something that is easy. I'm hoping that this new tool Tamiya 109 falls into this category.

      But for some weird reason, I think that my Monogram TBD Devastator kit that I built in a "Yellow Wings" paint scheme (from VT-6 on board the "Big E"), seems to be one of my favorites. I think that I like this one because it was a tough build, yet it turned out rather nice, and was a kit that I had built many years ago as a child when they first came out.

      Another model that is very close to me is the plane I built as a tribute to my friend who flew with VF-16. It's a Hasegawa F6F I built up as #13 from the Lexington. This plane was a rather easy build for me.

      So your golf course in heaven analogy seems to be spot on...

      Your 1/32 scale Mossie is a very nice build indeed. Who knows, maybe... just maybe, someday I may end up building those Revell Corsairs... 🙂 Hopefully they turn out half as nice as Robert Bausch's plane did.

      Thanks for the response my friend. Now you haven't seen my tin foil hat have you ? 🙂

      I seem to have misplaced it...

  11. Your review has stirred up a few interesting comments, Louis. First, many thanks for this, and your other kit reviews, they show in detail what's in the box (and, indeed, what the box is like), thereby letting us modellers make our own decisions as to purchasing or not. Pricing, this obviously depends on which country you live in. It seems that Tamiya and Hasegawa attract high import taxes in the U.S., maybe they have a high steel/aluminium content (sorry, I had to get that dig in). In China Tamiya/Hasegawa/Eduard kits seem to be about equally priced, with Zvezda being much cheaper, but Tamiya has the others beat on availability. As to the question do we need another ME 109 kit, it depends on your tastes/needs etc. The fact is that these kits sell, and that's what Tamiya and others are in the business for, that's why they've just released yet another Ferrari F1 kit. For comparison, the 1/32 Corsair kits cost about 100 USD here at current exchange rates, but if you compare that with the average wage then they are really luxury items. Happy modelling, and thanks again for the reviews.

    • Hello George.
      How are you my friend ? You're welcome, and I'm happy to hear that these reviews I have been doing are worthwhile for my fellow modelers.

      I never thought about the pricing in other countries and import taxes affect the final price here in the US. Good points indeed, especially how Tamiya is more available where you live. Where I live the only way I can get an Eduard kit is to mail order it, as the closest Hobby Store does not carry any of the Eduard kits.

      One thing I learned from reading the comments posted by others, is that the new Eduard 109 G6 sounds like it is a very nice kit too. Personally I really like Tamiya stuff. I only have several of the Eduard kits, and some of the ones I have are their early releases. So I was never all that impressed with them. Now it sounds like they have really improved, (like ICM has), so I will start taking another look at what they have to offer.

      Thanks again for your reply. I appreciate your comments.

      Take care my friend.

      It sounds interesting how the kits are priced in China.

  12. Reviews when done well are about value judgments. Pointers or aides for the viewer or reader to help make their own decisions with out prejudicing them into ...what ever. Pricing is one factor and it neat that where discussing this because, the majority of reviews show the manufactures suggested retail price with out further comment. Which leads into who makes the best kit and then folks read about people who love and do kits that are not the best in accuracy and cost a little less or they are easier to build and paint therefore, they are a better choice and of value to the modeler who makes. Or the kit has the fatal flaw that was recently discovered or a new technology in molding has been developed so you can sell off your stash on Evil-bay and buy up the latest and greatest. Even though it is expensive and if you like to do these things in quantity you'll end up divorced,living in a van down by the river, eating government cheese with your dog named Blue. Or maybe you buy one Tamiya uber kit for the experience because, of the cost and you buy several sprue trees of the Eduard kit in quantity and then come across some Zvezda kit at a show and it needs to be adopted ...just don't tell the wife. Then you can cross kit some projects and make the most accurate kit ever. The final analysis or in the beginning, our you having fun, two, what is it that you want? Its a hobby like owning a boat that has a black hole in it, which you pour money into.

    • Very well put Stephen !

      I know several people who own boats, and they tell me there are two days when you are the happiest as a boat owner... The day you purchase the boat, and the day you sell it ! I have also heard the acronym for the word "BOAT", actually stands for "Break Out Another Thousand"...

      Sort of like when I owned a few Harley Davidson motorcycles... "HD" is short for "Hundred Dollars". (meaning you cant leave the dealership without spending a "Hundred Dollars"...).

      Maybe, just maybe... One day I will own that 1/32 "Uber" Corsair, just so I can experience what others have who have built it. I have seen several built online, that are very nice.

      But then again, the old Revell kit can be made into a gem, it's just a lot more work involved, (and I have the necessary parts to do it).

      I have several of the 21st Century toy models in 1/32 scale, and I have seen several F4U's from this company that were built up rather well too. But I don't have a F4U from them. I built their Bf-109, (and have another one to go), and the Macchi 205 is the other remaining kit I have from 21st CT.

      You brought up some very good points. Thank you for your comments.

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