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Charles King
130 articles

The Falke – Redux

March 30, 2018 · in Sci-fi · · 19 · 2.3K

Here is a model I did a little while back. It is Falke model by Hasegawa:

As usual with practically all my builds, I like to give models my own personal touch. The Falke is definately no exemption here. I have heavily modified the original kit with kit-bashed and minor scratch built parts. Lots of sawing and reconfiguration to bring it to it's present state. Hope you guys like the results.

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9  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. Some nice touches here, Charles. You’ve certainly got the ‘lived-in’ look with the metals. Also have been looking at this Hasagawa Krieger series in relation to a new project, but not a straight build.

  2. Looks great and very interesting!

  3. Looks very menacing (whatever it is)... 🙂

  4. What they said... Great paintjob on this machine...

  5. Not being a Sci-Fi guy, I have no clue what it is, but it does look well built, painted and weathered!

  6. Then, that is good enough for me. Thanks.

  7. Profile Photo
    said on March 30, 2018

    Cool looking model. Nice one.

  8. Nice! One mean machine!

  9. Very cool model. It looks like it could be used as a prop in some sci-fi movie, it oozes quality. Do you mean it was brush painted? Even more amazing.
    I like the skull head, reminds me of the band Misfits

    • Hi. Thanks. I used spray paints and sponge painting as well as brushes. Then in certain areas I took a dry paper towel and rubbed of the paint to get the faded drag effect.

  10. I’m not sure what it is but it would look good on my drive! Great work.

  11. Looks like a space rat rod!

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