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Robert Royes
258 articles

1/72 F-4G[B] Phantom VF-213,Early Hasegawa.

April 20, 2018 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.6K

Ten F-4B's were equipped with an automatic carrier landing system and a data link system which both ended up in the F-4J. They were designated F-4G's. They deployed to the far east in 1966 on Kittyhawk,with VF-213, some wearing experimental camo. The kit is the original F-4j kit, which technically can only be a "B" bird, which has the thin tires an wings, all subsequent models had the wider main mounts and bulge in the wings to accommodate the wheels. The kit was around since 1966 and has a lot of inaccuracy issues but for it's time it was ok. it's been past off as the D,J,K and M versions of Phantoms. I made it into a B simply by adding an IR probe under the nose. I also added some more accurate wing pylons. Decals are from Superscale 72-490 sheet.

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3  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Don't think I've ever seen a Phantom in overall OD before, but's a Phantom, so it must be all good, right?
    Oh...and I like that little Phantom dude, too. Where'd ya get that?

  2. Bob, outstanding! One very few people now about! Different! Great idea!

  3. Great job there, Robert. I think the Phantom looks great in all over olive drab, although that maybe just because it's different, but I think it suits the scheme. Here's another photo of the 'Black Lions' on the Kitty Hawk.

  4. Looks good Robert and different, well done.

  5. Nice Robert! I have to say that's probably my least favorite scheme ever affixed to a Phantom, but they didn't ask me...

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