Avro Shackleton AEW.2

May 5, 2018 · in Aviation · · 13 · 3.1K
This article is part of a series:
  1. English Electric P.1A
  2. Avro Shackleton AEW.2
  3. Avro 707A
  4. Avro 504 K
  5. DH 89A Dragon Rapide

A fabulous aircraft to be found at the MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry) museum in is the . It is huge and can´t really be seen in its full as museum space is a bit cramped and lots of other aircraft are spread out around it. In a way you get a little bit too close to it to actually see how big it is. The lineage to the famous Lancaster can clearly be seen in its twin fins and tail wheel although the rest breathes Lancaster but in a more updated form, most notably counter rotating propellers turned by massive Griffon 58s and an updated front section. The over all dark grey scheme is very attractive to my eyes and the typical British colours for roundels and warning signs adds a bit of extra make up to this old lady. This particular aircraft was built by Avro in 1954 as a MR.2 serving in the maritime reconnaissance role and later converted to AEW.2 configuration in 1972. The last Shackletons were retired in 1991. Looking at the rivets make me think of an old Airfix model. If you think rivet lines need to be straight and level, have a look at the last photo and think again.

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21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Beautiful pics, Stellan...thanks for sharin' 'em with us.

  2. Yeah ,like craig said, I probably visit this place a couple of times a year and have never posted any pics, I feel a bit selfish now a visitor to my country has beaten me to it ! , thanks for posting them Stellan. Did you get any of Tim Peakes Soyuz return capsule ?

    • It is easy to be a bit slack when you have a museum like this on your doorstep. No worries. Got some photos of the return capsule, I´ll get back to that in a while. Snug little thing that burned bit of space history. Thanks for checking in, Neil.

    • Neil, looking through my photos from a couple of weeks back I remember why I never took more photos of the Soyuz capsule...I had to battle my way through thousands of school children and by the time I had a moment of my own in front of the little sphere I was exhausted. As I had some time over today I thought why not go back to MOSI and get what I missed last time. Capsule gone. Shipped off a couple of days ago to Edinburgh... Lesson learned from this is never put up your reference photography to a "next time". Adding the two photos I did get two weeks ago. Small it is this thing

      2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  3. nice reference pics - thanks!

    • You planning to build one? Revell got one AEW and Airfix got MR and AEW in their catalouges. Airfix even got the specific markings for the one you see in my little walkaround. Pleased you are happy with the photos, Greg!

  4. Stellan, thanks for posting this. I doubt I'll ever get to see one in the metal. Nice preservation! Rivets! Someone described this as thousands of rivets flying in close formation.

  5. Nice photos, thanks for sharing. A large aircraft.

  6. Great photos! Thanks!

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