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gary sausmikat
82 articles

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain….100mm figure.

May 27, 2018 · in Figures · 13 · 2.7K

Hi all. I'd like to present my figure of Col. Joshua Chamberlain of the 20th Maine at Gettysburg in 1863. The figure is the 100mm, Michael Roberts Ltd., kit #CW10. He was painted with Vallejo Model Color acrylics. The only non kit items are the rocks upon which he is standing. Hope you enjoy.

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13 responses

  1. Wonderful, not sure if you have ever heard this song, it's by Steve Earle about a soldier in the 20th Maine at Gettysburg

  2. Nice work, my friend. How big (or should I say small) is this in inches?

  3. Hi Gary, lovely work there - beautiful painting.

    If I had the time, skill, and patience I'd love to try my hand at historical dio figures. Union soldiers always remind me of Major John Sedgwick of "they couldn't hit an elephant from here" fame.

    Amazing detail. Kudos, Gary.

  4. Savior of the Union. My ancestor's commanding officer. Beautiful work.

  5. A giant of a man in a 100 mm package. Whatever the motives of other men on the field--North or South--this man had a pure heart. Great job with a great subject.

  6. Nicely done Gary, you've mastered the art of figures for sure. Jury's still out on me.Did you use an airbrush or hand painted. Or both?

    • Hi Tom,

      Thanks for the compliment. figures for me are "hey! I got this" one time and then, "what the heck is that!" the next time.

      I airbrush the primer and then hand paint the colors.

      I hope to take him to Little Round Top some day and get some pictures.

  7. VERY nicely done, my friend! He is one of my heroes of the (un)Civil War time frame. Great figure & painting, Gary.

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