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Roman Fittl
31 articles

Panzer IV ausf. E DAK, 1/35

May 6, 2018 · in Diorama · · 15 · 3.4K

And one more bit, this time something with a panzer. Conquering British Positions in Africa in the Sidi Rezegh Area in 1941. Kit, Figures. Roman.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Very nice composition! The two levels in the dio really boost the content to almost two sub dios. Very interesting to look at. The story of the bitter hand-to-hand fighting in North Africa could not be better displayed, my 50 cent.

  2. You have a definite talent when it comes to these dioramas, my friend. Stunning!

  3. This is an ultra, super build. It is an award winner in my eyes. Fantastic job in every area.

  4. Museum quality work. Simply amazing.

  5. Very nice diorama on all points. A very nice "story well told."

  6. Fantastic, Roman. Fantastic.

  7. Work of art. So much detail to look at.

  8. Amazing work!

  9. Lots of detail and action to admire, I like the fact that the model can be viewed from all angles.

  10. Thank you very much, gentlemen!

  11. Wow - that's really a capture of the action, and beautiful details. Well done!

  12. Thank you very much, Greg.

  13. Another beauty, Roman. Great detail!

  14. Thank you very much, Jeff.

  15. I really like the worn, dusty effects...very realistic.

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