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paul teixeira
98 articles

1/35 AFV M35A1 Quad .50 Vietnam Gun Truck

June 6, 2018 · in Armor · · 6 · 5.5K

To be honest I really dont know much about this truck as it was used in Vietnam, but when I saw a picture of it on the box top I just needed to build it. I built this a few years back after a brief hiatus from serious model making. My 1st child was born, as well as, it was at a time that I put all my time and resources only into RC airplane flying. Scale model building for the 1st time took a back seat in my life. As my son grew older I wanted him to get interested in military subject matter like his dad, as well as, to like building models. So I started buying some really simple department store type models of ships, planes, tanks for him. I built them quickly with no paint usually, he tried to help, and he definitely played with them. I promised myself I was not going to get carried away with building again, just some fun quick builds with my young son, and give to him for his room and playing. Well, like any addiction I could not just dabble in it. Each build started to become more and more complicated, took it more and more seriously, and then I stopped letting the boy destroy them. In no time at all "Game was On!" I was back in the saddle and removed all the stops! This caught my attention and I sent away for it. It was the 1st full out, serious build for me upon my return to the hobby. I have not slowed down since.

I don't recall much about the build other then positive thoughts and memories so it must of been a straight forward build. manufactures excellent military kits and this M35A1 was no exception. If I recall correctly it was my 1st experience with this brand. What I do recall is fantastic detail with high parts count. I have noticed with AFV club kits that there is "no such thing" as assembly in 1-piece. They dont seem to know much about complex 3-D pieces made with side-mold technology. The smallest assemblies contain high parts counts often including separate hinges, handles, and very finite, delicate pieces. That can be a bit frustrating at times but should not be viewed as a negative, or problem issue. Its just real model making. I will admit that many days I dont have the patience for this style of kit and do prefer the modern "Tamiya" style of armor where complex assemblies can come in one, side-molded, high-fidelity, detailed piece with overall lower parts count.

After studying some photos of the actual M35A1 I recognized that they operated many different variants based off the standard model/Concept. Many of the variations were the result of field modifications and suited for individual units, and/or, crews. My M35A1 took on a slightly different appearance then the base kit due to this trend. I added some scratch-built parts to mimic one such specific truck. The rest of the build, except the figures, and box crates, are out of the box. The soldier figures are not made specifically for this model. i just threw them in to busy up the scenery.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Nice work, that piece.

  2. It really is like riding a bicycle, isn't it?

    Very nice result.

  3. Looks great - nice job with all the highlighting and weathering.

  4. Those Vietnam era Gun Trucks were festooned with all types of armament. They could pack a real heavy punch. They featured some very nice art work to boost morale and to intimidate the VC / NVA. I have this one in the stash and your model sure serves as inspiration to get mine on the to-build-pile. Well done and thanks for sharing this one!

  5. A great build! Here's one I saw at a model show, an actual crewman of the gun truck was relating his experiences.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  6. Good job on the gun truck Paul. Trained on those as well as the M-42 Duster,both of which were being used in Vietnam. The trucks for convoy security and the Dusters to increase base security. Both systems were pulled from National Guard units before being deployed with the active Army forces in Vietnam. Nice looking gun truck.

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