F4 Sundowners Hasegawa 1/72
About a month ago I had finished this model.
Here is the build thread if you guys want to check out: http://imodeler.com/groups/work-in-progress-aircraft/forum/topic/1-72-f4-sundowners-hasegawa/?topic_page=1&num=15
Actually the photos were already taken but I was too lazy to edit and clean them and write this article.
There is not much to say about the kit it goes together smoothly without any problems one thing I would like to advice if anyone would be interested in building one main fuselage comes in 4 halves two for the front end and two for the back Hasegawa recommends you to glue the front and back end pieces separately and then join the front and back end it may couse some fitting issues and misalignments
so i do recommend to get the two halves together and then glue them. Otherwise everything goes together pretty well oob. details were nice only aftermarket ive used was the quickboost resin seats.
painted with black baseing and marble coat technique used umbral enamels and gunze acrylics. kit decals were close to perfect.
One Phine Phabulas Phantom!
Thank you Robert
Absolutely awesome alliteration Robert.
Now that right there is just plain nice...!
I think at this point you should declare that you have a mental condition that draws you to F4s no matter their scale or location in the world...
Hahahah Craig i know that youll never missed a phantom thanks
That's a beautiful Phantom! Love the paint work, and that's my favorite Navy scheme - I plan to do one just like it.
Greg, it is also my favorite scheme i am planing to build an f14 in the same scale in sundowners scheme
Nicely finished and weathered!
Hello Adilgan,
This representation is high standard. It shows very clearly how fighter /bomber planes from the US.Navy are looking after months of hard working at sea (then and now).The weathering is right smack in the middle. No time for the "car"wash, but all (no flying time) spent on maintenance.
The Phantom needed a lot of care after sorties. Good job.
Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.
Dirk, that was the best explanation that can be possiably made for an navy aircraft
Gald you liked it by the way
Periodically, maintenance required a fresh water wash down, baring that we had a waterless cleaner that resembled a hand cleaner, there also was an aerosol foam cleaner , this was to combat salt water corrosion which loves to eat at aluminum.
Very nice work, Adilcan.
Nice job Adilcan
Good looking Phantom with a realistic weathered finish as well.
Thanks for the kind words guys
it's so glad to see perfectly wethered 1/72 scale model. hope you share more of your models!
Thanks there is a lot to come
For me, Sundowners, has the best stencils! Great work, well done with weathering.
This is a fabulous and perfect F-4 in my book! Fantastic, awesome paint job. Really captured the worn and marbled look of those grey high-vis paint jobs. You utilized the black-basing technique perfectly. I am going to try this on my next F-4 build. Your weathering is awesome and this model looks much bigger then 1/72.
Thanks sir, ill be looking forward to see your f4 build i was really impressed with the f3 demon that you posted
Beuatiful work on what is a legend. I remember telling a girl once when we broke up, "you know... I love you but I'm not in love with you". Exactly how I feel about the Phantom.
Ahahahah David you made my day