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Jay Biga
30 articles

Meng World War Toon M4A1

July 22, 2018 · in Armor · · 10 · 2.1K

A little model I put together and painted over a few days. If you ever need a break from all the detailing and fussing over rivets, get a kit in this series. They are fun.

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10 responses

  1. Don't think I've seen one of these before...I like it. 🙂

  2. Me neither...first time I see this kit.
    Kinda like the Egg series from Hasegawa (I thinks it’s hasegawa...), only this is devoted to armour.
    Very nice and funny! Thumbs up!

  3. I like it!
    Gotta agree, these things are a blast! I just did their B-17...

  4. I had seen a few pics on the internet before I ran into this kit at a modelling show. Picked it up for a little over 6 Euros.
    Meng is slowly expanding the range of these kits and they can be had, depending on size, for something like 7 to 15 bucks. They go together quickly and are just what you need if you desire a break from more involving projects. And they definitely won't break the bank.

  5. Looks like a fun little build...good job on painting.

  6. We serious need a group build for these. So funny and cool at the same time. Mini’s & egg plane build would be fun.

  7. Cute as a button, a loaded button! Did the hasa egg f-4 awhile back, a nice diversion.

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