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Mattia Pancotti
3 articles

Douglas F4D-1 Skyray – Tamiya 1/72

August 5, 2018 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.7K

Hi everybody,
I'm Mattia from Rome, Italy, I want to start my experience on with my little Ford ended last October, the aircraft is made in flight with a pilot from PJ production modified with a different helmet, then I used a base made by Coastalkits display and the effect is awesome.

I hope you like it.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. You're right...the effect IS awesome (and welcome to the site) - nice work on the kit.

  2. Hello Pankit.
    Nice job, m8!

  3. Wonderful work and very nice presented. Coastalkits make a lot of nice displays, I just received one of them, have to put the right aircraft on it first to make some photos.

  4. Flawless build and finish of the model enhance the spectacular effect produced by the display. The Skyray was such an advanced design that here it appears as coming from a Sci-Fi movie, cool!

  5. Well done, the base really sets it off. And welcome to iModeler.

  6. Welcome onboard at iModeler. This looks awesome. The presentation with that blurred base is fantastic, very effective.

  7. A very nice, clean build, and the mounting is really cool. Welcome aboard!

  8. You did a fabulous job with this model. Looks very cool and realistic. Love the flying effect! Great paint job and overall finish. I always wanted to build a Skyray but sold the kit before I built it. Now I want another one.

  9. These coastal kits bases offer a wide choice of effects and are good value. Nicely presented!

  10. Shows the sleek lines of the Ford well, nice work!

  11. Thank you guys for your comments 🙂

  12. Fantastic effort. Love the way you created the blur on the clouds. Makes the skyray going really fast.

  13. hello Mattia,
    Powerful diorama. Taking the scale into mind, excellent result, especially the pilot.
    Regards, Dirk

  14. Nice build, I love the base!

  15. Thanks to all of you guys 🙂

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