1/72 Anigrand Craftwork C-141 Starlifter
I lived in southern CA and would see C-141Bs flying all the time (Norton AFB). In my opinion, it is a classic airplane.
Decided to tackle C-141 in 1/72 made of resin. I can't say this just fell together. I used two metal rods for strength in wings. Probably used at least 1 oz of gap filling super glue, and many sheets of 320 grade paper. I then polished to 12000 grade paper. The gear is aluminum tubing.
The markings are for an early test bird. The paint is Floquil base coat and various shades of Alclad II.
Very nice work and painting is great!:))
Fantastic work and welcome to the site!
Shawn, Welcome to imodeler. This looks pretty nice, and I'll bet its huge even thought its 1/72 scale (I remember the size of the monogram B-52). Your paint work looks very nice, and makes for a very attractive scheme. Well done !
Welcome to this forum Shawn. Nice clean build there. The paint work seems to be laid out and applied just right. Looking good, I hope to see the end product.
The Freedom Bird!
Everyone else got to come home in a World Airways 707 where the (really good looking) stewardesses kept the booze flowing from the time the pilot announced the airplane was 'out of range" of that hellhole. This thing was not a comfortable ride in the cargo compartment in web seats all the way across the Pacific, but I kept telling myself "Thank you #$%$##@! Navy for not giving me a last-minute reason to ship over."
Very nice result with something I know for a fact from other friends is a real @#%$%$! kit.
Tom, I have been a fan of yours for years. I had no idea you were in Hanoi. YOU ARE A TRUE HERO! My dad loaded munitions on F-100Ds at Phan Rang (1967-1968). He received bronze star for actions he took during Tet Offensive.
Great looking build! You're a better man than I to tackle an Anigrand kit...
Welcome onboard at iModeler, Shawn. Wow, an Anigrand kit - completed! I'm sure it took a lot of work, but the result is stunning.
Thank you very much for comments, I really appreciate it. Yes it is a big model, it probably weighs 5-7 pounds. Shawn B
Looks like a ton of work went into your build. The payoff...a real beauty. Outstanding.
Great work Shawn, looks good in that scheme, welcome to iModeler !