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Paulo Castro
33 articles

Bf109E-3 “WEISSE 5” Obfw. Jakob Arnoldy, Mandal, Norway – 1940 (Tamiya 1/72)

November 1, 2018 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2K

This is my latest kit finished, using the Tamiya Bf109E-3.

My intention was to make one of the decal options for the aircraft flown by Obfw. Jakob Arnoldy.

He was attached to 4./JG77 based on Mandal, Norway, in 1940.

During that time he was flying the "Weisse 5" which was a Bf109E-3 WNr.1276.

The painting scheme is RLM71, RLM02 over RLM65 which was characteristic of the period.

Gunze acrylics paints were used throughout this building.

Weathering done using Tamiya accent panel wash and watercolour pencil.

For the Work-In-Progress report and Research, check my blog at:

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5  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Excellent work, Paolo. I really like these early model Bf109s. Beautifully painted, my friend!

  2. wow! I cannot believe it is only 1/72. Looks so much bigger b/c of the excellent levels of detail and fantastic paint job. Great work on this 109!

  3. Excellent presentation and as Paul said, it looks like at LEAST a 48th scale build. Nice work!

  4. Ahhh - it just soothes my soul to see such nicely detailed and weathered 1/72 aircraft projects! You've made my day - excellent model!

  5. Thanks guys. It was a really fun project and the kit is very nice and detailed.

  6. I've always liked this paint scheme. Although I usually associate it with Adolf Gelland. I had found that muted light blue difficult to reproduce using Tamiya XF-23. Perhaps its your weathering wash that has produced this accurate replication.

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