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Nathan Kalinyak
6 articles


November 29, 2018 · in Armor · · 6 · 2.9K

My most recent built, M48A2-GA2 in 1:35 scale. There's still a few bits I'll change like the lights and such, more mud on it, but all in all I'm happy with the outcome, hope everyone is have a good day!

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16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Nathan it sure looks good as it sits! Those M-48s are fine, dependable tanks. Like the Bunny, they keep going, and going, and ...

  2. I agree with Jeff... Those were some good old dependable tanks. Just like the M-60 was. So this version was upgraded with a 105 MM and a diesel engine ? I know the A5 version was like that going from memory. The first A1 and A2 versions of this tank had a gasoline engine and a 90 MM if I recall properly.

    and yours looks good !

  3. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Very nice and eye catching work Nathan. The markings make it more interesting and refreshing.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  4. You gotta get a camera worthy of photographing what I think is a superb model (I'm guessing, but it's an "informed guess.")

  5. Really nice build and overall take on one of my favorite tanks. It looks great. Tom is right though need to get some good pictures to really show-off this great model. I struggle so much with model picture taking and I use to get a lot of requests for better pictures. I am still struggling but its gotten a little better for me. I only use my Phone camera now. I found that take pictures with very high-light and from a further distance helped with the depth-of-field-issues. I would use the edit function to crop and zoom in on the details instead of getting the camera to close.

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