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Julian Shawyer
34 articles

Model Airfield Layout

November 25, 2018 · in Diorama · · 6 · 2.3K

I made this for my son back in 1986 as a Christmas present.

It consisted of an base, control tower and a hardened aircraft shelter all made of plywood and of simple construction (child proof). The models (not child proof) were, a Tornado GR1, Puma and a Skyvan by Airfix. Tornado F3, Hawk 200 and a Chinook by Matchbox. The ground equipment and figures are a combination of Airfix and Hasegawa. Not 100% accurate when it comes to the Shorts Skyvan in RAF colours, but it was the only transport aircraft small enough to fit.

The last photo is of an aircraft carrier I started but never finished. The flight deck was over six foot long. This was as long as I could make it so it would fit under his bed. The flight deck was based on a light fleet carrier from the 60s. The island was based on the Invincible class carriers and was made so it would pass through one of the deck lifts for stowage when it was under the bed. 

The air wing (1/72nd scale) was going to consist of Matchbox Corsair 11s (because the kit had folding wings), Matchbox Huey Cobra (these would have used less deck space with the two bladed rotor), Fujimi Phantoms, Hasegawa Sea Harriers, Airfix Lynx, and a Matchbox Wessex for ASR.

The models on the flight deck are a few of mine, which were all 1/72nd scale. No doubt, these would have ended up being embarked on board HMS Eagle which was what she was going to be called.

The makings would have all been Royal Navy for the fixed wing, and Royal Marines for the Cobras.
Living near the now gone Modeltoys model shop who produced the excellent Modeldecal range, I could obtain all the decals I needed.

It must have had some influence on my son. He now plays with real helicopters on a real aircraft carrier.

If I ever make one for my grandson, it would be the same size, but with a 1:144 scale air wing.

Please accept my apologises for the quality of the photographs.

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5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Julian, these are a few really cool projects! You made the coolest "toys" but I agree - the 1/144 stuff would be cool, too.

    Really nice way to end, too: "It must have had some influence on my son. He now plays with real helicopters on a real aircraft carrier."


    • Thank you Jeff.
      My son spent time on all 3 of Royal Navy's Illustrious class carriers. He's also spent at couple of weeks on the Royal Navy's new carrier in October, HMS Queen Elizabeth.

  2. Real nice Julian, in the way back time[1976] HMS Hermes visited Naval station Mayport Florida.

    • Thank you Robert.
      What a small world. I am a shipwrigh by trade. I served my time at Portsmouth Dockyard. I worked on HMS Hermes in the 1970s.
      I can remember working underneath her when she was in dry dock.
      I think she has just been decommissioned from the Indian Navy.

  3. Very nice Julian, must have been one happy kid and very proud of his dad!

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