Shuichi Hayashi – Weathering master
I discovered this modeler by chance looking at some magazines in a bookstore in Nagoya.
Really impressive weathering job!
Shuichi Hayashi's Youtube channel can be found here:
Well Alex judging a book by the cover isn’t the best policy, but that Tomcat looks like the real thing. Any chance you can upload a few inner pages for us, voyeurs, to peek? Thanks for bringing this book here
Ok ok will do 😉
Looks REALLY heavily weathered. I'm not sure I like that much. But it's done VERY well.
Looks great, Alex. Please give a bit more flesh to the bone so that this gets a worthy front page article.
Youtube presentation of the Master.
Gulf War F-14's got dirty...
Here’s a link to a review of the book if anyone wants to give it a read.
Thanks, @coondog
I get a firm feeling that this needs to go under my Christmas tree.
Thanks Matt for this link ?
"Impressive" weathering/detailing by this modeler just doesn't describe his talent(s) adequately. WOW!