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Blaine Miller
3 articles

SModel M551 Sheridan

December 30, 2018 · in Armor · · 4 · 1.9K

What happens when you have 27 in progress models and it seems like nothing is getting close to being completed? I was getting to involved in long term projects.

So a week before Christmas I said I need something simple and fast.

So out comes a couple of what I thought would be quick builds.

The SModel is a very good model to work with.

The tracks are four individual pieces on the ends. With upper and lower track connected to the road wheels.

I made the front ACAV shield, side shields and the rear shield. Brass was used for the front and rear shields, plastic for the side shields.

The racks are made of brass, also.

I had some left over gear from another build so it was placed on the racks.

After painting, I weathered the model with pigments.

This model was finished on Christmas day.

I have since finished of 4 other projects.

Thank you for looking in.


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2  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Nice Sheridan, Mr.MIller!

  2. For a quickie it looks pretty good Frank. Nicely done. Unique to say the least was the M-551 Sheridan. It was air dropped from C-5's on a couple of occasions, as well as kicked out the back door of a very low flying C-130. That would make a very interesting diorama, a Sheridan coming out the back a C-130.

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