3 articles · 1K karma · 10 friends · active 3 years, 8 months ago

I was born and raised in Iowa.
I build 1/72 U.S. and Soviet Aircraft - post WW II.
I served in the US Air Force (1977 - 1981), stationed at F.E. Warren A.F.B., Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Returned to Iowa and joined the Iowa National Guard 1/194 Air Cav. (1981 - 1994).

Helicopters return home.

The story begins 6 years ago. I was asked to supply a group of Vietnam era helicopters to an Aviation museum for a 40th anniversary for the ending of the Vietnam War. This was to be a two year commitment. I compiled the following [...]

Monogram B-36 Peacemaker

Thirty four years in the making of this kit. I started it in 1985. Put it away in 1986 when i started a new position at work. Forgot about it until moving back from Florida in 1998. I decided it was time to finish the kit. Started working [...]

SModel M551 Sheridan

What happens when you have 27 in progress models and it seems like nothing is getting close to being completed? I was getting to involved in long term projects. So a week before Christmas I said I need something simple and fast. So out [...]