2 down 2 to go! “Diggin” building in 2019!
Ok, so my goal was to build the 4 kits I had been given as gifts before building any others. The Pan Am 2001 Clipper was first, next I chose one of the sillies kits I've ever build, straight from the "Rat Fink" craze of the 1960s Hawks' "Digger" Not much to say, I slapped it together, slapped some paint on and here you go. Most fun a 10 year...er 50 something little boy could have! Next Silhouette or Yellow Feather...
See that IPA and raise you a lovely old London Ale, Rob!
Great modeling; bonkers, but great.
awesome rob...i remember these in the local hobby shop when they had a contest early 60's and lots of "41" willys...big daddy roth had a fertile mind and you've done him justice...fink was a dirty word at that time...he's probably after your beer
Here is a history of the Hawk Weirdos, created by Bill Campbell of the Hawk Model Company
Ahhhhhh this one brings back memories. It sort of looks like the Monogram "Red Baron" if you can imagine a large silver colored German helmet in place on top. Did the jacket's "art work" on the back come along as part of the kit or was this an addition ? I just noticed the play on words with the side wall lettering on the tires.
Very cool and "liked".
I hand painted the jacket, there was supposed to be a parachute pack back there, but it just didn't look right, even for this! So I left it off and painted some late 70s early 80s punk logos on it.
Another great blast from the past!
🙂 didn't know!
thumbs up!
Another thing was I mostly used rattle cans and brush painting. I did use an airbrush for the black, but only because I didn't have a rattle can pf black!