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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Happy New year! Let's get started!

January 5, 2019 · in Uncategorized · 8 · 1.4K

So here are the first 4 kits I intend to build this year. They are all gifts from my wife and kids, who have always supported my hobby. I decided to start with the Pan Am Clipper from 2001. A simple kit, just a few pieces, but as with most Sci Fi kits, you better be ready to sand, and sand some more. The fit is actually not too bad, but it still had a step here a gap there. However a little time and primer and you are ready to paint! This was only 3 modeling sessions, just what the doctor ordered after a year of more complex builds! I think "Digger" will be next, then one of the cars! I plan on finishing all 4 by Spring, wish me luck!

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8 responses

  1. It looks like you have a good plan... 🙂 and some equally good models to run with. I remember building the Revell
    "California Charger" top fuel rail as a kid. It was a really cool model ... and it was similar to the "Snakes" Yellow Feather.

    Please keep us posted with updates my friend.

  2. I remember when "Digger" was a new model!

    I hope you'll keep us in the loop as these are finished.

  3. Hi Rob. Really looking forward to see the 2001 Clipper - with us into the new year and the RAF Group Build winding up I’ll be ramping up the ‘iModeler at the Movies’ Group - so it’s really great to see your ‘Orion’.

    Looking forward to seeing your work (and some good beer recommendations!) develop.

  4. I forgot about the imodeler at the movies group build I guess I am in without even knowing it!

  5. Nice! I refurbished the old Aurora Clipper kit awhile back, It's some where on this site.

  6. Very good plan and some nice kits to take off in the new year. The Pan-Am clipper is interesting, I look forward to your progress. Cheers!

  7. Nice eclectic group to start off with!

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