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Djordje Colovic
58 articles

Arthurian Talessir Lancelot

February 15, 2019 · in Figures · · 6 · 2.3K

I like to taste the wine

I swore to save the King

Two jewels I am devolted to

When the darkness closes in

I kneel before you, Arthur

For you I risk my life

I am your protector…

Well, ok… I'll no further quote Grave Digger's song “Lancelot” from their album “Excalibur”. Also, I will not quote “The Fall of Arthur” by J. R. R. Tolkien and I'll not think about Lancelot's role in Prince Valiant… Why? Because I do not want to spoil the joy of doing this incredible figure by Nocturna Models. As we all know Lancelot is not very good person, in Arthurian tales he was “loyal' to his king Arthur, but also to his wife Guinivere. Not a raw model of knighthood which was made around the famous Round Table. Maybe folks from Nocturna Models thought about that and made a figure of Lancelot as a old man in roman Legion, in IX legion to be precise.

So, I ‘ve been wandering through the vast temptations of modelling sites and I was struck with the figures from Nocturna Models. Spanish manufacturer who produce figures covering many subjects. I was, in fact, stunned by their figures dedicated to Norse mythology, but, by circumstances, I bought this one, cheaper, 54 mm figure. The figure is made in resin with absolute fantastic details. There is no way that some guy from Ali Express can sell the copy of this figure in near same quality! I received figure, unboxed and I was literally speechless, attention to detail is stunning! Buuuuuuut (there is always one big BUUUUUUT) the figure has some moulding troubles around right eye. But, I menaged to represent that eye as a eye of a oneyed wounded warrior with some scars from many battles. In fact, the figure represents aged warrior who had seen many better days. Apart from that the only one more dissapointment goes to the fact that the head is moulded together with the rest of the body and with helmet on it, so it was very difficult task to paint it correctly. Helmet edges made very big problem with paining the face. I primed figure, as alwaysa, and painted it with acrylic and AK Real colors (o yeah they are just awesome! Figure fell so many times from my hands and Ak real colors didn't even scratch!). After that I sprayed varnish and went into magic box with magic Abteilung 502 oils. I feel like I've risen from the dead until I started to use oils! And for metallics I used Ak True Metal vax.

I really had great time with painting and weathering this fantastic figure! IU've been thinking about doing and Merlin from Nocturna Model's series “Arthurian tales”.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Bravo, Djordje, a very good review and a great figure. I like Lancelot as a character; complex, conflicting motivations, and a code of honor that is contrary to his desires.

    Thanks for posting this, I’m going to have to look at Nocturna, seems a great site.


  2. VERY well done, Djordje ! Great looking old warrior!

    Lancelot started out as "Arthur's Perfect Knight." Right up until he bedded Gwen. What a friend, right? It takes "two to tango," so Lancelot shouldn't bear ALL the blame !

  3. That's really nice! I particularly like the idea of Arthur's knights as "romanized" Britons who remained at home after the legions retreated to the continent. That's likely the truth (if there is any) to the Arthurian legend.

  4. Love the Arthur legend and this fits the lore well with the Roman hints. Great work.

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