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Jorge Garcia
31 articles

Rafale B “Eye of the Tiger” 1/72 Hobby Boss”

February 18, 2019 · in Aviation · · 5 · 2.3K

Hi everyone, this is my first model of 2019, B "Eye of the Tiger" , is a nice kit, easy to build and paint; the hardest part was applaying decals, but i think is a good work.

Enjoy the pictures

Hola a todos, este es mi primer modelo del 2019, Rafale B "Eye of the Tiger" en 1/72, interesante modelo, fácil de armar y pintar; el único dolor de cabeza fueron las calcas por lo grandes; de todas formas creo que se hizo un buen trabajo.

Muchos saludos y disfruten las fotos

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Lovely Rafale! Those big decals can be a bugger to get on, but looks like you managed them well. Nice work.

  2. Nice job on getting those decals applied...I like this one. 🙂

  3. Great looking scheme!

  4. That's some lovely work. Nice to to this version build. Still got this one waiting in my stash. Great tiger!

  5. Cracking decal work. Felicidades, Rafael!

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