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gary sausmikat
81 articles

Spearhead signing

February 24, 2019 · in Uncategorized · · 5 · 4.9K

Hi All,
Today I attended author, Adam Makos’s, book signing at Otto’s book store in Williamsport, Pa.. Adam was there signing copies of his latest book, Spearhead. Also attending and signing was, Clarence Smoyer, WW2 Veteran tanker, and key figure in Spearhead. It was a pleasure and honor to have both autograph my copy of Spearhead.

Details of this book can be found at:

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8  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Looks like it was an interesting event. Nothing like speaking with a vet who saw that, did that, and got the T-shirt as well. . Sadly all of that oral history will soon be gone.

  2. I'd love to have been there at the signing.

  3. Add my name to the list for wanting to have been there during the signing. You're a very fortunate man Gary.

    Clarence Smoyer is the M-26 gunner that knocked out the Panther next to the cathedral in Cologne if memory serves me... it was all caught on film too. Only minutes before he did this, the Panther knocked out a Sherman killing most of the crew. Going from memory again, Clarence pumped three rounds into the Panther... all of it graphically captured on film.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  4. Fantastic post, Gary. Have to keep these men in our collective consciousness. The greatest generation, indeed.

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