The books Database at iModeler

13 articles
  • Items tagged with books
  • 13 articles
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  • Last addition 4 years, 7 months ago

A book: Fighters of World War II

This is a book I find myself coming back to every now and then. If you are into american hardware (plus the odd Spitfire) this is a must have. Written by Jeffrey L Ethell and Robert T Sand it is jam packed with mostly Sand's colour photos [...]

Samurai Phantoms! For Phantom Phanatics only…

The gentleman who manages the Asian Air Arms special interest group sent me the following email and the photos that accompany this post, asking for help getting the word out about this resource for Phantom modelers. As a phellow Phantom [...]

Spearhead signing

Hi All, Today I attended author, Adam Makos’s, book signing at Otto’s book store in Williamsport, Pa.. Adam was there signing copies of his latest book, Spearhead. Also attending and signing was, Clarence Smoyer, WW2 Veteran tanker, [...]

A Carrier at Risk: Argentinean Aircraft Carrier and Anti-Submarine Operations against Royal Navy’s Attack Submarines during the Falklands/Malvinas War, 1982

This new book will appear beginning 2019. Again, interesting story and lots of drawings and pictures for the modeler. "The naval warfare of the last few decades appears dominated by operations of fast missile craft and a wide [...]

The cover art arrived today

So. Available for pre-order at your favorite online retailer. (Comes out in February 2109) Includes: "The Fight That Never Happened" - Royce Williams in an F9F-5 goes 1:7 against Russian-flown MiG-15s of the Red Air Force and [...]

A few First Editions left

Frozen Chosen has sold out its First Edition in 60 days. Something new for me, the publisher is very happy. The Second Edition will be twice that. I have 10 copies left of the First Edition. If you would like a signed copy, send me a [...]

It’s officially a #1 Amazon Best Seller!

Just released this past week and already a #1 Amazon Best Seller. It's going to be the basis for next year's National Memorial Day Concert on PBS, they're going to do the story of LCOL Don Carlos Faith. The book is more than the Chosin [...]

Review: Detail and Scale, F9F Cougar

I was also able to secure a copy of the Detail and Scale series on the F9F Cougar a few days ago. Greg Kittinger posted a pretty comprehensive review here, and most of my impressions mirror his. This is my first foray into an interactive [...]

Review: iBook review – F9F Cougar by Detail & Scale

As I was able to secure the F9F Cougar Detail & Scale eBook offered yesterday, I'm posting my review here. Obviously any serious modeler will be familiar with the printed versions of these books, so as to general content I'll not [...]

Detail & Scale Digital Book Offer--ALL BOOKS NOW CLAIMED!

Hello, I'm the art director for Detail & Scale. I am representing our company in this post and not, but I have discussed this posting with Martin and have the approval to post from Most are familiar with our [...]