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Tom Cleaver
923 articles

In case you had the slightest doubt that modelers are crazy (:-) )

March 15, 2019 · in News · · 7 · 1.1K

From the Daily Mail. 70 years to make all 484 warships that have served in the since 1945. Made with matchsticks!

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

7 responses

  1. Well, if he wasn't "crazy" to begin with, I'm sure this endeavor helped the situation along. 🙁

  2. Just Amazing, there is hope for me yet...

  3. Whatever the mind perceives man can achieve. Absolutely incredible! Every ship he made is a work of art that hopefully will be preserved in a museum one day for all to marvel at. Thanks Tom for posting this article.

  4. either he is crazy or we are lazy

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