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Juan Ravizzoli
37 articles

Skoda RSO 1/35

March 16, 2019 · in Armor · · 4 · 2.8K

The vehicle was designed by Ferdinand Porsche as an artillery tractor to be used on the eastern front and construction was entrusted to Skoda. It was a poor performance vehicle, with low speed and power and high fuel consumption, so they were built just over 200 units, all used on the western front.

The kit belongs to Riich Models and its scale is . The level of detail is very good, with a very good fit of parts. The instructions are very clear and bring a couple of color plates for the painting phase.

With this model, I also used for the first time two new paint products for me. The base paint is the classic Dunkelgelb, but this time it's from Mission Models. It covers very well and leaves almost no residue on the airbrush. The matte finish is very even and smooth. For the motor and cable I used the acrylic Metal Color de Vallejo. The finish is glossy and homogeneous and, although designed for use with airbrush, can be applied very well with a brush.

The camo is made with acrylics from Mission Models and Vallejo and the weathering with products from MIG and Vallejo. The pigments are from Castle Art. I hope you like it and see you in the next project. Greetings to all site members.

Reader reactions:
1  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Nice work on the weathering and detail...welcome to the site. 🙂

  2. An interesting beast! Very nicely made and painted, I like it!

  3. An unusual vehicle, nice work!

  4. I just love your weathering - impeccable, that's what always stumps me!

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