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bob mack
59 articles

Aurora 1/8 “BATMAN”

April 15, 2019 · in Figures · · 14 · 2.6K

actually the knock-off as the original had Batman written on the tree

Holy Smokes Batman

as a young man he served as "batboy" for the Gotham city Yankees



I thought the searchlight was the bomb but i always wondered how the Commissioner reached him during the day


in the 1940's he worked for Howard Hughes who could never get his name right...for some reason he always referred to him as "Spruce" Wayne


every night he steps out for his favorite Chinese "Kung POW chicken"


Robin Catwoman is about to have a kaboodle of kittens...Holy condominiums Batman...right again boy wonder

zip...his ears are even neater than Mr. Spocks

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6  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Looks good, Mr. Mack. The only figure(s) I can remember doing (a very long time ago) by Aurora were the Johnny Unitas and Steve Canyon ones - wish I'd have kept 'em now.

  2. Holy blast from the past! Nice!

  3. I remember building this on my grandad's farm in Kentucky - long ago, in a galaxy far away...

  4. POW! BAM!
    Nice job, Bob!

  5. Ah, those were different days. Now, we have conflicted, dark, morally and emotionally ambivalent Batman. · on youtube

    Holy 'liked', Bob!

    • yeah. the comic book was darker…i mean what kind of billionaire dad takes his young wife and kid to a place called crime alley…i still loved the innocence of this series…i watched it as a kid but it came on daily at four pm when i was 30 with three kids …i rushed home everyday to catch it, as a grown aze man…i mean no guns no super powers…what a stud…but the brains behind pa was Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth, Batman’s batman…the white privilege folks would have field day with “Master Wayne” today though i always suspected he was really “M” in disguise…that commentary was great on the movie clip and that movie should have swept the oscars that year…imagine all the obligatory blood and guts that shark scene would entail today ;o)…bye the way…thank’s

  6. I had a Batman/ Detective Comics book collection with a friend when I was a kid in the 50's and early 60's that probably be worth big bucks today. We had Vol. 1 in both series and followed on from there. Somehow he ended up with the collection instead of me, but back then who knew? Great job on the figure Bob!

  7. oh my yes, me too...from Sgt rock to johnny cloud, capt storm to sad sack...beetle bailey...veronica and archie we had sisters you know...two 8 year old boys could actually sit and read for an hour quietly...and there was always that kid with a footlocker full

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