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Bogdan Ionete
30 articles

Moson 2019who will be there?

April 4, 2019 · in Uncategorized · · 11 · 1.6K

As the title says, who will be at Show this year?
I will be there.
Happy modeling!

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3  Awesome

11 responses

  1. F’course I will!

  2. I wish I could go, but I have to skip it this year as well. Have not been there for years...

  3. It's on my wishlist, but not for this year I'm affraid. Looking forward to your show reports.

  4. In my absence, I shall eagerly await the plethora of photos you all so generously provide for the masses that [sadly] cannot attend. 🙁

  5. I'll be there. 🙂 I've been invited as a member of the jury and also I will help in the preparations so I'll be there a few days before the event actually starts.

  6. My wife and me are thinking about it; 60% chance.

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