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Jason Vukovich
13 articles

“Outback Roadblock” 1/35th Australian M1A1

April 10, 2019 · in Armor · · 11 · 2.8K

Or maybe I should have titles this one "None Shall Pass". This being my third post here at iModeler, you may notice a pattern with my builds. Anyway, this is 's M1A2 SEP kit converted into an AUS M1A1 with an Arms Corps Models conversion, Echelon decals, and acrylic paints. The crew are kitbashed from a variety of figures, I believe the heads came from a Trumpeter set. Painting the older Australian DPCU camo uniforms was a lot of fun (it's now been replaced by the Australian Multicam Camouflage Uniform-Multicam in Aussie colors!..and that would be not a lot of fun to paint), The local fauna was sourced from Mantis and Legend, and the road signs were created via Powerpoint, my inkjet printer, and brass tubing. I have soft spot for Aussie, Kiwi, and Canadian subjects and I'm not sure I could get much more Australian than this!

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. You did some nice work there...good lookin' diorama, Jason.

  2. Excellent build! The signs are great.

  3. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Interesting diorama Jason, nice work.

  4. Lovely!

    Except for the distinctly Australian slant, it looks awesome. (Nothing wrong with an "Australian Slant" except I'm not Australian! )

    I spent many hours on a "roadside" in Germany or other places blocking an access road or something like that. Well done, Jason!

  5. By the way, those antenni look great. Those antenna sections come in 2 pieces, with a teardrop-shaped ball added to the the end so we crew couldn't run into the end of it and poke out an eye. Your antenni look great. Our antenna on the Right was the main one, and did all Receiving and Transmitting duties. The left side, being only the top section, was half the length. (Roughly)

  6. Great to see this Aussie subject Jason - love the Goanna!

  7. Although the tank looks great, I really love the signs and the wildlife in this one! Well done.

  8. Fantastic job, spurs me to get on and finish Aussie M1 !

  9. This brings back some memories... well done. I spent most of my time in the older M-60A-1's but right at the end we traded them in for brand new M1A1's...It was like going from an old trusted Chevy truck to a BMW spots car.

    Yours looks wonderful. The animals are a nice touch.


  10. Impressive dio! Very convincing mud effects.

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