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Paul Barber
44 articles

Royal Air Force Centenary Group Build – New Builds Presentation

April 11, 2019 · in Aviation · · 32 · 1.6K

At the turn of the 100th Year of the RAF it is time to post the presentation of our RAF100 new builds: subjects chosen and assembled specifically to commemorate the centenary of the RAF.

As ‘admin' for this community I'd like once again to thank everyone who has been involved in the new build category in any way, from those who have submitted many models in this category, to those who simply and importantly encouraged those submissions.

As ever, Per Ardua Ad Astra – Through Struggle to The Stars!

(Note: The current version of the presentation will be edited and called final on April 20th – editing suggestions are to be pm'ed to me, or posted to the appropriate thread on the – please do not give ‘technical critique' of models or suggestions here – this post is a commemoration.

To make suggestions for edits, visit:

And if you haven't had the chance to check out the huge talent on show in this group and to learn from the WIP threads have a look here: )

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

32 responses

  1. Wow !

    I just finished watching the presentation. You did a marvelous job showing the 100 Years of the RAF builds.

    You also did a fantastic job as the group moderator. I had a wonderful time with this.

    Thanks for taking the time to put this video together for us. I especially like the opening. The quotes from various historical speeches and letters home placed in various spots was like adding icing on the cake. The music set the mood for the showing and was an excellent idea. At times I felt as if I was watching the movie “Battle of Britain” from the late 1960’s.

    Bernie would be are all of us that participated.

    Hand salute to you my friend. Two thumbs up ?


    • Thanks, Louis. Your contribution to this was second to none. Yes most of the music was by the Central Band of the RAF. Certainly not something I’d listen to on a daily basis but it seemed to work here.

  2. Well done, Paul! Nicely edited and great musical score. Thanks again for running this show. It was the best group build I’ve ever participated in. Also, this is the first time I’ve seen David Mills’ Tempest completed. Great job, David.

  3. Splendid job Paul. Very well done!

  4. Excellent presentation Paul. I am honored to have been a part of it. As Louis & John has pointed out, the music was perfect. I agree that Bernie would've enjoyed this as well. Bravo!

  5. Fabulous job Paul.
    Many thanks for all your care and hard work moderating the group build.
    Thanks Paul!

  6. Excellent collection of RAF history. Lots of effort into this group build.
    Compliments to the maker of the video. Regards, Dirk

  7. Great job Paul, great presentation, great group build, thanks again !

  8. Paul,

    At 5:30 am with a cup of coffee and some free time... I sat and watched all 17 mins and 55 secs of your presentation with all of your supporting cast members and their work. An enjoyable experience. Then I watched the "RAF Hunter Pilot Gone Rogue" sad to say that the Hawker Hunter used by the Rogue pilot didn't get included ...

    Lovely tribute to Bernie too. I believe the Egyptians said; "Speak my name and I will live forever."

    • Thanks for your kindness Stephen, I think there is a diorama of epic proportions waiting for the Hunter. It would include a double decker bus, Tower Bridge, about five years and a bank loan!

  9. Outstanding, simply outstanding work on this Paul. And Bernie would certainly like the SE-5. Boy do I miss that guy and his comments.

  10. Congratulations to all the contributors, there is some very fine work there.
    I will certainly be looking back at the builds I must have missed along the way.
    Well done everyone!

  11. I have to say the cover photo you chose is cool too, Paul. Eurofighter Typhoons normally don't float my boat, but that looks great in WW2 colors.

  12. Fantastic work on the presentation you've made Paul. Thank you for all the time you've put into this centenary project. Great work from all contributers!

  13. A great presentation! Well done.

  14. Sorry for very late comment (I barely have time for sleeping now).
    Paul Many thanks for the opportunity for being a part of that group build.
    Man yesterday I saw that presentation. Almost 20 minutes of pleasure. And My (Konick's) Spitfire as a cover of the movie. I AM HONORED.

  15. Thank you Lukasz. It is absolutely right that a man who also honoured the RAF with his flying should be on the cover. As you said he was an important historical figure, who too often doesn’t get the credit he deserves! Thanks for you great modelling contributions and build choices!

  16. Thanks also to Boris, for his continued support through this GB, not least of all with his beautiful Meteor build and now by letting us have a few days in the spotlight as a featured post!

  17. Wow Paul ,you did an amazing job putting this whole thing together from start to outstanding finale , easily the best presented G.B. I have seen, I am so glad I took part.Thanks.

  18. Thank you, Neil, the builds you put into this were sensational. The RAF subject matter definitely offers a wide range of possibilities, from
    the Hurri’s, Spits and Lancs that we all love, to the unique prototypes, gliders and missiles that you added - which really gave us the variety to tell a better story. Add to that the quality of those builds and that meant your contributions were real winners! Thanks again!

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