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George V Guimaraes
42 articles

HobbyBoss 1/48 A-1A Ground Attack fighter- Brazilian Air Force

May 26, 2019 · in Aviation · · 15 · 3.2K


This is the HobbyBoss AMX (A1-1 in the Brazilian Air Force). It is a subsonic attack aircraft, powered by a single non-afterburning turbofan produced by the Italian-Brazilian consortium AMX International, with Embraer as the brazilian participant company.
Today, this version is being replaced by the "M" variant, which has an improved avionics/software package. Initial aircraft were delivered in the late eighties.

This particular kit depicts an aircraft flown from Santa Maria AFB, (1/10 Aviation Group) in the tactical reconnaissance missions, plus the regular ground attack role.

The weathering is minimum, since these machines are usually kept clean.

The kit box contains some PE for the interior and rubber tires. No issues or putty was needed, except a little at the wings roots.


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9  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Very nice build with a awesome camouflage paintwork George. Onde fica a base de Santa Maria?

  2. This is a GREAT looking build, sir...I LOVE it !

  3. Sharp. That plane is growing on me lately.

  4. Thank you all!

  5. Beautiful model George. I had to look twice to make sure some of your photos were of a model & not a 'walk around' set. Love the base & hangar background as well. Really sets the scene perfectly.

  6. Great build! I've been salivating for a 1/72 AMX for forever - and still holding out hope that someone will do one (non-vac formed)!

  7. Thank you! It seems to be only in 1/48, either Hobbyboss or Kinetic. But the real thing is not that big...

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