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Djordje Colovic
58 articles

Airfix Phantom Fg.1 in 1/72

June 21, 2019 · in Aviation · 19 · 4.5K

My imagination was always full of sounds from the past. But, my interest in history would always stop at some point. That point would be 1945. I was stunned with ancient history in which someone had to be brave, so I wasn’t even interested to think about modern warfare, expecially modern jets.

But, there is always one BUT… But Vietnam… From my early years I was astonished with Conrad’s “Heart of darkness’ and with “Apocalypse now”… Apart from extreme level of heat in the jungles, humidity, very often insane decisions made by generals, complicated politics during Vietnam conflict…. what was (apart from choppers) the most iconic machine of that conflict? For me it was one and only Phantom F4 (and Mig 21, of course)… Sooooo, one and only jet which I piously admire is that two seated monster armed with everything from rock and stones to atomic arsenal…

I was stupid enough to be stubborn to buy Eduard ProfiPack Rockin’ Rhino, Good Morning Da Nang or Good Evening Da Nang. I skipped that kits almost every time I’ve been in situation to buy them… And now I’ve deicded to make one Phantom. But Eduard sold and discontinued those kits. I’ve been googleing for some good Phantom kits, I’ve been fighting tooth and nail would I buy model in 1/72 or in 1/48. I had opurtunity for 1/32 and I skipped it.

Than came the Airfix with their release of Phantom Fg.1, modification of USA’s F4, but with widder parts because of British made engine.

I was thinking that it would be my very first jet plane and it would be better to ruin it in 1/72 than in 1/48. Soooo, I bought Airfix Fg.1… Another thought was that it is very common to see F4 in Vietnam era camo, or in German camo, Japanese… but I couldn’t find many Fg.1 models in RAF markings, and I wanted that model to be very “rare”.

I ordered Eduard’s Big Ed set with hundreds of pe’s and I found excellent manufactrer of PE sets, mr David J. Parkins, and I ordered ladders, both commonly used and telescopic.

Finaly, the model. Excellent quality, moulds are simply great, ver small amount of flash, extreme level of details in plastic, but with PE’s I’ve bought it would be a gem! Decals are first class printed by Cartograf. I decided to do plane stationed on HMS Ark Royal with 007 call sign (great enough).

I expirienced almost noone problems. Two drawback were air intakes made big gap with fuselage, and seats are slightly higher and it was problem to make a model with closed canopy. But, I decided to do the model with full details in cockpit so it was decided to opet the cockpit and canopy. Eduard PE’s did a great job in every segment, from air intakes, insane details in cockpit, engine, undercarieg is fully detailed, air brakes… to banners “remove before flight”.

I used so many new materials and technics that I can barely remember everything. Primed with mr Surfacer 1500, painted with FANTASTIC AK Real colors… Ive been using sharp blades and hobby saws because I had to remove many parts in plastic before putting pe’s on. PE’s… If anyone is planing to do this model be aware, pe’s in undercarriage will slightly thicken the surface and You are going to have some other parts to sand if You want them to be properly aligned. I sprayed whole model with few layers of GX 100 super gloss varnish.

Then it came, stencils… almost 300 of them! I’ve been thinking should I skip some of them, but because of my true love with F4’s I’ve decided to put them all. In total, stencils plus decals, microsol and microset… equals almost 10 days of work… Bu ti was worth of it 

I decided to put jus one ladder below pilot’s seat because I didn’t want to drill model for telescopic ladder and I didn’t want to obsure details with both ladders 

Finally I used Tamiya Accent colors, AK washes and paneliners and one and only Abteilung 502 oils.

This was my very first venture into modern jets, and I’m deeply satisfied! I would try to lay my hands on some of the rare ProfiPacks of F4’s made by Eduard. Until then I will probably do some F4 from Academy and Mig 21 adversories from Cold War era 

Please comment and make suggestions 

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13  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. This is an awesome build of the F-4, Djordje. An immaculate build with an immaculate paint job. Weathering is perfect. I am old enough to have been in the US Air Force when the F-4 was still our primary fighter. You have captured it's look perfectly. It's amazing that you can put that many stencils on a kit and they seem to disappear on such a big plane.

    • Thank You very much mr George (my name Djordje is Geroge in English). I've been trying not to overweather plane or overdo something else. For me F4 is the most beatiful jet plane. I was thinking that stencils and decals are going to ruin the outlook of the plane, but they blended very well and they are not making the mess out of a model 🙂

  2. Gorgeous work.

    I love the look of RN Phantoms.

  3. well you picked a good choice from the "Nam" stable...beautiful work on a marvelous airframe...nice ladder too

  4. Phantastic. An exceptional build in 72nd scale.


  5. A Phabulous Phantom! I found the same problem with the seats when I did mine. Your a true F-4 fan if you knew about telescoping ladder.

  6. A real beauty - and a huge coincidence... I am just getting ramped up to tackle my Phantom stash - over 20 builds lined up all in 1/72 - and the FG.1 was one of the few kits missing from my line up and listed as "additional kits to secure." Now I know which kit I'll buy! I hope it turns out as nicely as yours. Love the weathering, etc. Looks just great.

    • It is really great kit to build, just a few problems. Slightly raised seats, so if you don't want to be neuro surgeon it is better to built it with the open canopy. Air intakes are going to make a gap with fuselage, but other parts are extremely good. Decals are fantastic.

  7. Really nice work...just like they all said. I Love It!

  8. Everyone else got it right. Beautiful work.

  9. Hello Djordje,
    After inspecting your F4 Royal Navy, I would advise you to continue with the jets.
    It looks great. Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

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